Chapter 61: First Release on Jinjiang Literature City

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On the second day, before dawn, Jiang Qingxue woke up. She couldn't help it, her posture was restricted, and she didn't sleep comfortably.

Looking at Lin Yuansheng next to her, shamelessly leaning on her shoulder, his rosy lips occasionally blowing out air, sleeping soundly!

Jiang Qingxue thought of the darkness in his eyes, intending to show him some compassion, but her hand hurt as soon as she moved, instantly making her face turn dark. Damn, I feel sorry for him, but who will feel sorry for me?

Am I not working hard enough?

I am the one working the hardest!

Why does he deserve to be pitied?

Jiang Qingxue coldly withdrew her shoulder without saying a word.

Lin Yuansheng, still in a deep sleep, unconsciously hit the bed board without any padding, making a loud noise. Fortunately, the bed board was thick enough and didn't cause any problems.

He woke up, rubbing his eyes, and saw his wife right beside him. Subconsciously, he leaned on her again, his voice soft and alluring, "Wife, you're awake."

"Go away."

Jiang Qingxue's cold voice made Lin Yuansheng instantly sober. He looked at the rope in his wife's hand and suddenly remembered everything from yesterday. Yesterday, he tied up his wife, forced her to stay, and even made her bleed.

This man dared not be spoiled anymore. He quickly got off Jiang Qingxue, sat on the bed with a nervous expression, and tightly clenched his fingers.

Jiang Qingxue couldn't be bothered to pay attention to him. Her indifference was as cold as ever. After sitting for a while, Lin Yuansheng got up in disappointment and said, "I'll make breakfast for my wife."

It was still dark outside, with just a little bit of light.

Lin Yuansheng took out two eggs from the chicken coop, cooked a dish, and brought it back for his wife to eat.

Jiang Qingxue felt a bit unhappy for some reason, turned her head away, and didn't want to eat. Lin Yuansheng shook her shoulder gently, reminding her, "Wife, you promised me that you would accompany me for five days, and during these five days, you will eat well."

Why is this person so annoying? Jiang Qingxue was annoyed to the point of being unable to bear it. She glared at him and said, "Yesterday already counted as one day, today is the second day."

The people around him suddenly breathed faster, "Yesterday doesn't count, you didn't eat well yesterday."

Lin Yuansheng hurriedly retorted, he didn't want to miss another day with his wife.

Jiang Qingxue was also stubborn, she seemed to realize that the only one who could make Lin Yuansheng back down was herself, and she insisted, "Didn't I eat every meal yesterday? After being with your wife, is this how you treat me?"

Hmph, it seems like you really don't want me to leave, then why should I eat? I won't eat."

She turned her head and refused to eat, which made Lin Yuansheng panic. He quickly used his hand to pull her shoulder, "No, no, I didn't mistreat you. Eat a little, if you don't eat, you'll get sick."

Lin Yuansheng didn't want her to go hungry, he was extremely anxious, his eyes even turned slightly red. Seeing that the other party was resolute, refusing to even look at him, he had no choice but to agree, "Alright, alright, yesterday counts as a day. Don't, don't be like this."

Seeing him lower his head in disappointment, Jiang Qingxue finally showed some mercy and said, "It should have counted from the beginning, so bring it over."

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