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Travis Kelce
Five Months Later
Excuse any mistakes

Travis scrambled around the room trying to grab some last minute things

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Travis scrambled around the room trying to grab some last minute things. Megan's water broke and the time was finally coming to where he would meet his baby boy.

Waddling into the room Megan grabs onto the dresser feeling a contraction coming. "Baby just relax I have to get a few things and we can leave." Travis coached helping her to the bed.

Grabbing his hand Megan squeezed it almost causing Travis to drop to his knees. "What the hell, you need to save all that strength for later."

Grabbing the baby bag and some other things he helps Megan up as they walk to the door. "Damn this is really happening." Megan whispered looking at Travis.

In a few hours their life would change forever. Making it in the car Travis sets everything down rushing to start the car. "How you feeling baby? He noticed Megan was a little too quiet. "I'm ok just ready to meet our baby." She rubbed her belly smiling down at it.

So much was running through his mind. The one thing he knew was he is ready for it all.

After making it to the hospital the doctors checked Megan out and said she was two centimeters dilated. So of course they were doing some waiting.

"Mom we're in the hospital Megan just got settled in. I just wanted to let you know and I'll call you and dad with any updates." Travis left a voicemail since they didn't answer.

"Baby, you thought they were going to answer and it's late at night?" Megan shook her head looking at the time. It was 11 at night so that meant no sleep for either of them.

"Can you hand me my make up bag?" Megan asked quietly grabbing it from Travis. He smiled shaking his head Watching her start her makeup. "Megan, you're giving birth you don't need all that."

"You think I'm about to give birth looking like this? You must not know me baby." Laughing Travis sits back admiring Megan. He already loved her but felt like witnessing this birth would make it stronger.

Suddenly a big contraction hits almost making Megan drop her bag. "Shit!" She cursed trying to take deep breaths as Travis rubbed her back. They were staring to become more frequent and painful.

As Megan starts to calm down they her phone rings showing that Britney was calling. "Hey girl it almost time!" Megan yells into the phone making Britney do the same.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited! We are definitely coming to visit tomorrow nothing is going to Stop us." Megan smiled continuing to do her make up as she talked to Britney.

They had a few more hours and Megan was honestly nervous. This was new to her and she doesn't have her mom to help. She knew Travis was here for her and would be forever.

Watching as Megan bounced on the yoga ball Travis laughs thinking of how she got pregnant in the first place. "Stop being nasty and come rub my damn back or something."

Moving immediately he start to massage Megan's back earning a big sigh. "So how are you feeling you're going to be a daddy soon?" Megan asked rubbing her belly. "I already am." He joked causing Megan to roll her eyes.

"No but seriously this is insane. I knew when I meet you my life would change but we're bringing a whole person into this world. I promise to be the best man I can for you both and to always be there for you."

Feeling a tear fall Megan kisses him pulling him into a hug. She was about to have the little family she always wanted and wouldn't let anything get in the way.

Things were definitely getting serious now Megan was feeling the contractions almost every few minutes. She was laying on the bed in pain and Travis felt every bit of guilt.

The doctors comes rushing in to check everything and Travis immediately knew something was wrong. "What going on? He asked trying not to panic. "We're moving you into another room turns out you're going to need a c section."

The doctors rush her to the back grabbing everything they needed. "I need to be in the room with her now! Travis yelled talking to one of the nurses. "Sir, if you come with us we can get you clothed and you'll be right in there.

As he followed Travis starts to think of all the negative. Was Megan okay, was the baby ok?" Finally getting his scrubs on they head to the room. Megan sees Travis and starts to cry. They were both clueless as to what was happening.

"Is my baby okay?" She asked wiping her tears. "Yes everything is fine ma'am the baby was breached and the heart rate was high but everything is fine." They both sighed feeling relieved. "Everything's okay." Travis said kissing her hand.

Trying not to look over Travis focused on Megan's face wiping her tears. "He's almost here mama!" The doctor coached trying to lighten the mood. Within minutes their ears were filled with cries from the baby. Travis cuts the cord getting quick glance of their baby boy.

Megan and Travis both broke down in happiness. The doctors rushed to clean and check the baby before Megan could see him. Finally the baby comes back and he stops crying once he's on Megan's chest. Trying to play it cool Travis wipes his tears away watching them with pride.

"Hey baby boy!" He cooed as he looked at him in awe. At that moment Travis realized his son's whole life is in the palm of his hands.

Hey y'all finally so I'm finally giving y'all an update! Sorry for the very long wait I been slacking.

So the baby boy is here!! Name will be revealed next chapter. If you have any boy names leave in the comments pls. I have names but can't decide.

Updates might not be so often I'll try to do at least two chapters a month. Thanks to everyone who's reading the support is amazing. 💕

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