Oberyn and Ned brought the ship into the harbour with Ned at the wheel and Oberyn bringing up the sails, as he was the only one who had experience with sailing a ship. The first thing they noticed when they docked was the lack of people, it was the middle of the day and yet the harbour was barren. This was especially strange as the harbour had quite a few ships still docked; Oberyn noticed this immediately 'Where are all the people,' he thought to himself as he walked down the wooden walkway.

"Where is everyone?" Aegon vocalised. He had never been to his mother's home before, he did not expect it to be so barren 'Perhaps because of the heat?' He thought to himself as he pulled the collar of his tunic from around his neck. It was hotter here than it was in most places he'd been to in Essos; he had at least thought that his Dornish blood might've made him a bit more immune to the heat.

"Something is wrong..." Ned said in a low voice as he palmed the sword he had taken from the camp.

Oberyn kept walking forward, the worry he had for his paramour and brother overshadowed any other concerns he had at that moment. The two others followed him but were more cautious walking into the city 'How could the city be empty and we get no word of it?' Oberyn thought to himself. He felt his hands tighten around his spear as he inspected the buildings around him, but there was nothing.

"How can everyone be gone, it doesn't make sense!" Aegon shouted, his voice carried through the empty streets and echoed loudly.

Ned turned towards Oberyn "Are you still confident whoever is behind this won't attack you now?"

Oberyn ignored him, he was a prince of Dorne and the people he had a duty to protect were gone. He had to find them, but he needed to find his brother first. Walking at a faster pace we left the harbour and walked into the city proper; In the city, he could see that doors to houses had been flung open, some were even ripped off their hinges and lay flat on the ground. Market stalls had been left unattended and their products lay rotten and spoiled.

Ned approached the rotted food and took some in his hand "This is over a month old," he commented before dropping it to the ground.

None of this made any sense, how could an entire city be empty and no one in Dorne be aware of it.


All three of them whipped their heads around and saw a shadow turning a corner. Oberyn immediately ran after him with Ned and Aegon not far behind; he followed the figure through the streets —though he couldn't get a clear look at him. Eventually, the figure disappeared into a building shutting the door behind it; this did not stop Oberyn who kept his momentum and slammed his foot into the door kicking it off its hinges. "Show yourself!" He commanded as he got his spear at the ready, behind him, Aegon and Ned drew their swords.

The building in front of them was empty, Oberyn pushed open each of the doors trying to find where the person could've gone and yet he found nothing "Where did they go?!" Aegon shouted as he looked around.

Oberyn brushed his hand through his hair "We should get to the keep, whatever is happening here can wait." He said ignoring Aegon's question.

"And if there's no one in the keep, what do we do then?" Ned asked.

Oberyn looked up at him and gave him a defeated sigh "I don't know..."

(Demon Road)

Two large wheelhouses and a large supply cart travelled along the demon road. The wheelhouses had reinforced wheels and an axel that they were assured the gods themselves couldn't break; inside was more than enough to fit the Targaryen and Dayne family with some space to spare. The servants and guards were more than happy to take the other wheelhouse —they sang praises of Daeron's generosity. Considering where they are heading, at a certain point camping outside will be too dangerous. Daeron had also bought horses for the guards to use. They rode at the back of the party, at the sides and the front with Daeron, Arthur and Viserys.

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