Y/n: "wow grandpa... Didn't know you liked mount Rushmore so much.."

Ben: "I'm so bored.... Let me play a game!"

Gwen and Ben sat at the booth. Gwen on her computer.

Gwen: "I would but I think this'll be a good lesson for you to learn how to entertain yourself"

Ben frowns. Then he makes a mischievous face.


On Vilgax's ship, which is flying above Earth, the activation signal of the Omnitrix is detected.

Vilgax: "The Omnitrix has been activated. Pinpoint its location. I have you now. No sign of that amulet, however"

???: "but they won't be too far apart..."


Gwen begins to have trouble with her computer.

Gwen: "Hey! What gives?"

Upgrade reveals himself on the screen.

Upgrade: "Sorry. You are a loser... and always will be"

Upgrade pops out to scare Gwen and goes back in.

Gwen: "AAH! Ben, get out of my computer!"

Upgrade: "What? I'm just ”entertaining myself”"

Gwen: "This is my private property! And you're getting your cooties all over it!"

She tries to shake Upgrade out but Upgrade takes control over the whole computer, even sprouting mechanical legs.

Upgrade: "Oh, what's this? A diary?"

Gwen gasps, and attempts to catch Upgrade, but he dodges

Upgrade: "”Dear diary, my cousin Ben is such a-”"

Gwen: "Doofus! Knock it off!"

Max: "Ben! Now is not the time to go alien! Do you understand?"

Upgrade comes out of the computer.

Upgrade: "I was just fooling around"

Max: "We can't afford to attract attention right now"

Upgrade: "What kind of attention could I attract in here?"

The Omnitrix times out and Upgrade changes back into Ben.

Max: "Nevermind"

Ben and Gwen look at each other, confused. As y/n looked at max with a suspicious look.


On Vilgax's ship, the Omnitrix signal is lost.

Bioid: "We have lost the Omnitrix signal"

Vilgax: "No matter. I've narrowed down its location"

Vilgax looks at various screens showing images of Ben and y/n's heroics as various aliens and Skylanders.

Vilgax: "I know just how to draw this earthling out"

Vilgax smashes one of the screens.
The Chimerian Hammer slowly descends over a bison-filled field. The hanger of the underside of the ship opens, and a swarm of Mechadroids and a red large mace. The mace doesn't fly, so it just falls to the ground with the Mechadroids following it. It then begins rolling, leading its force on its way to Rapid City, destroying the welcome sign along the way.

Back in the RV, Ben and Gwen notice fire and smoke coming from Rapid City.

Ben: "What's going on over there?"

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