S1E12: Side effects

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "both of you make valid arguments"

Y/n sits down at the booth, and holds bubble gum in his arms. Gwen then goes back to pulling various things out of a box.

Gwen: "Cold tablets, decongestant, cough suppressant, hospital mask..."

Ben: "I don't need all that junk"

Gwen: "They're not for you, dweeb! They're for me! Once a bug like that gets out, there's no stopping it!"

Ben: "Why don't you just lock me away in some closet somewhere until I'm better?"

Gwen: "Can we, Grandpa? Pretty please?!"

Max: "All Ben needs is a dose of my famous "San Ju Yen Pien" cold remedy. Let's go! Chinatown's just down the block"

Y/n: "oooh! Chinatown!"

Now In Chinatown, a parade is going on. Many people are watching a red dragon puppet and some costumed actors walk past. Max and the kids walk out of a drugstore with a green jar.

Max: "You know it's so hard to find fresh potaikadon root anymore. It's all freeze-dried nowadays"

Ben: "Can I get a milkshake or something? Ugh, my throat is killing me!"

Max: "Don't worry. The stinkweed honey in the San Ju Yen Pien coats your entire esophageal area!"

He hands Ben the jar. Ben opens the lid and smells what's inside.

Ben: "UGH! And that's a good thing...?"

Gwen: "So, where exactly did you learn how to make this stuff, Grandpa?"

Max: "I picked it up from a monk in Guangdong, China"

Gwen crosses her arms.

Max: "They have plumbing in China, too, you know!"

Y/n: "they do?"

A councilwoman starts to make a speech at a podium in the center.

Liang: "Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank all of you for your support of my downtown redevelopment program. It's truly a dream come true!"

A wasp lands on her microphone. Some more buzz around the crowd. Hundreds more show up. The crowd starts panicking. The councilwoman looks above her and sees a man, Clancy, standing on a hovering "raft" of bugs.

Clancy: "Better make that a nightmare, councilwoman!"

His eyes glow and thousands fly into the crowd.

Gwen: "Wasps!"

They swarm everyone, chasing them out of the center. Someone drops their ice cream, someone else falls into some boxes, others drop to the ground as the swarm flies just above them. Councilwoman Liang looks up at Clancy.

Clancy: "You're NOT tearing down our apartment building. We won't let you!"

Liang: "You're the nutjob who wouldn't leave!"

Clancy: "Nice to know we've made an impression"

His eyes glow once more. Thousands of bugs instantly swarm Liang, from her legs up to her neck, lifting her up to Clancy.

Liang: "What are you doing?"

Clancy: "Just bringing you home for dinner... You're the MAIN COURSE!"

Her eyes widen. Ben wipes the snot off his nose and activates the Omnitrix.

Ben: "This looks like a job for...ah, aH, AH-"

He slams it down, turning into Wildmutt. Wildmutt completes Ben's sneeze, while his snot-covered gills try to locate his surroundings. All that he's able to see is a few dots in a black void. He scratches his chin, desperately trying to sniff around. He starts running in a direction until he smacks into a venue, gets up, shakes his head, and runs elsewhere, this time smacking into a pole. After getting up, he lets out a low growl, starts gagging, then leaps away.

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