Chapter 1: The Fall

Start from the beginning

She walked back up the stairs, getting ready to wake up the kids for their daily routine. Sighing, he opened the front door and walked out. Standing at the sidewalk waiting was Frisk, Y/n's best friend since childhood. She looks over and smiles at him.

Frisk: It's about time! But could you have at least made yourself look more presentable?

Y/n looks down and notices that in his haste, his school uniform was put on haphazardly. Frisk shakes her head as she approaches Y/n. Undoing his tie, she reties it neatly once more. 

Frisk: There. But you're doing the rest yourself when we get to school.

Y/n: Right. Thanks Frisk.

Frisk: No problem. Now come on, we're going to be late.

The two of them headed off to school.


Persona 4 - Specialist (start)

The school day goes as it normally does. Boring lectures by the same teachers day in and day out. Though it was finally lunch time. An hour break from school that everyone looked forward to. Y/n was walking down the hall, ready to meet up with Frisk and her friends. However, what he saw as he turned down the hall to Frisk's locker made his blood begin to boil. The school bully, Damon and his posse had Frisk and her friends cornered. 

Y/n: Damon!

Damon turned around, an annoyed look on his face.

Damon: What the fuck do you want Y/n?

Y/n: Well first of all, I want you to leave them alone. You're starting to annoy them.

Damon and his group moved away from Frisk, giving her and the others a chance to get away. 

Damon: Well you're beginning to annoy me. Always getting in my way.

He pushes Y/n against the nearby lockers, now being the one to be surrounded.

Damon: I'm going to put it simply. Frisk shouldn't be hanging out with you. No, she'd be much better off with me.

Y/n: And what makes you think that she wants to be anywhere around you? A pathetic loser who still steals other people's lunch money because daddy doesn't give him any.

That seemed to strike a nerve because Damon's fist had connected with Y/n's face the moment the words left his mouth. blood began to come from his nose.

Damon: Well shithead... at least I know who my dad is. Yours never even wanted you. 

His fist was pulled back once more, ready to deliver another punch.

Teacher: Mr. Damon! What do you think you're doing?

Everyone turned to look over at the teacher and Frisk. 

Teacher: Damon, you and your friends can report to the principle's office. Frisk, could you please take Y/n to the clinic.

Frisk nods and walks over to grab Y/n's hand and leads him to the clinic. Once there, it had seemed that the nurse was out for the moment. Sighing, she sat Y/n down and went to get a bundle of paper towels. Once she returns, she begins to gently dab the blood that came out.

Frisk: Are you alright?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm okay. Not the first fight I've gotten into.

A few moments of silence pass between the two of them. Soon, the blood stopped coming and after washing his face, Frisk made sure to wash her hands.

Y/n: Hey Frisk?

Frisk: What's up?

Y/n: I'm... I'm sorry. Elanor told me that you did my chores last night. 

Frisk: I knew she'd know it was me. After all, you suck at washing dishes.

Y/n: Hey, I'm not that bad.

Frisk: You always leave spots! Even on the cups! 

The two of them chuckled to themselves.

Frisk: You know I can't keep covering for you.

Y/n: Yeah... She told me that too.

Frisk: Alright, here's the deal.

She stands up and faces you, a determined look on her face.

Frisk: I heard a rumor about Mt. Ebbot. A rumor that if someone goes up they never come down, and that monsters come out of the mountain to snatch people up!

Y/n: You don't actually believe them... right?

Frisk: Of course not. But it gives us a reason to go up there right? 

Y/n: I'm not sure...

Frisk: My friends said they'd give us both twenty dollars if we go up there. And before you ask, they'll ALL gives us twenty dollars.

That was enough to convince Y/n. And so it was agreed that once school was out, they'd both travel up the mountain. And thankfully, with a plan, the day seemed to be shorter. The final bell rang through the halls of the school. Once outside, he sees Frisk waiting, having changed out of her uniform and into her usual clothing. 

Y/n: Ready?

Frisk: Yep! And you know the story to tell Elanor right?

Y/n: We tell her that we agreed to stay over for a little to help clean up the cafeteria after a food fight broke out between the freshmen. Yeah, who are you and what have you done Frisk?

She just responds by sticking her tongue out at him before running off towards the edge of the city. Shaking his head, Y/n runs after her.

Persona 4 - Specialist (end)


Hiking up the mountain, the two were joking with each other trying to imagine what kind of "monster" would appear and take them. Soon, they reached the top of the mountain and sat on a rock, out of breath. 

Y/n: Finally... we... made it...

Frisk: Yeah... man I'm tired.

Once they caught their breath, they started to look around. They saw nothing other than more trees and rocks. Well, until Frisk found a large hole in the middle of the clearing. She wanted to get closer, so she started walking towards it. But when she got closer, she didn't notice a vine sticking out of the ground and tripped over it falling into the hole.

Y/n: Frisk!

With unmatched speed, Y/n ran over to the hole and dove forward, catching Frisk by her wrist.

Y/n: I've got you!

Frisk: Y/n!

Y/n: Just... hold on!

He tried to pull her up, but the ground under him gave out, causing them both to fall down the hole, screaming.

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