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Hello everyone, I am LoreAccurateGuardian, or just Guardian for short. I created this account last year and after reading some stories by some great writers, I decided to give writing a shot myself. After a bit of thinking between doing a Persona style story, or a Kingdom Hearts story, I decided to go with Persona. However, I might also create the Kingdom Hearts version on the side as well later down the road. But enough about me, now I want to give some credit to the following creators that have given me inspiration to write.




And another shoutout to someone to also recently started writing and gave me courage to start as well


Once again, a big thank you to these creators and if you guys check this story out then I hope you enjoy. Now onto the hero of the story, you!


Name: Y/n

Race: Human

Soul: Wild Card (Multicolored Soul representing a little of each Soul trait. Also could be seen as the equivalent of being of the Fool Arcana.)

Starting Persona: Izanagi

Background: A seventeen year old who lives and works part time in the Ebbot City Orphanage

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Background: A seventeen year old who lives and works part time in the Ebbot City Orphanage. Put into the orphanage at a young age, he doesn't remember who his parents are. During his early years, he met and befriended a girl his age named Frisk. The two were inseparable ever since. From early on, Y/n learned that Frisk was sweet and kind to everyone, somehow making friends with almost everyone she met. But there were a lot more people who would take advantage of her kindness. Being a pacifist, Frisk would try and avoid any conflict she could. Because of this, you made it your sole mission to keep her safe. And so, once the two of them overhear a rumor at school about Mt. Ebbot, Frisk wants to check it out. It's on this day that both of their lives would change forever.

Harem: Act I (All artworks belong to their owners. I made none of these.)



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PERSONATALE  (Female Undertale Harem X Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin