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! 임지영 !

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! 임지영 !

 ! 임지영 !

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! 임지영 !

The girls had now made it to their classroom along with Taehoon, Jiyeong had her head resting her desk as she was still thinking about how the boy named Seojun went to the same school as them

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The girls had now made it to their classroom along with Taehoon, Jiyeong had her head resting her desk as she was still thinking about how the boy named Seojun went to the same school as them. The universe seriously seemed to be out to get them for whatever reason.

"Good morning.'' She heard their homeroom teacher, Mr Han greet the class who had replied with the same thing. She froze once she saw Seojun following behind him. "So Seojun is back. It's nice to see him again right'' Mr Han asked making the class agree with a chorus of 'yes'.

All Jiyeong did was focus her gaze on the boy who stood in front the class who looked like he didn't want to be there at all. "Should we give a warm welcome?'' Mr Han asked, all Jiyeong did was rest her head on her hand while her elbow rested on her desk as the classroom was giving Seojun a round of applause.

"Seojun, you can sit next to Suho.'' Mr han said to the boy making the class quite down as the tension had suddenly spread across the room. "Excuse me?'' Seojun said turning to Mr Han looking somewhat offended, Jiyeong had never seen the class this quite before.

He sighed as he started walk down the isle of where Jiyeong sat, he stopped in front of Jugyeong desk, kicking it loudly making the girl flinch. "Hey, you love over there.'' He said stated staring down at Jugyeong while gesturing to the empty seat next to suho.

"Me?'' Is all Jugyeong could reply with as she pointed to herself with her index finger. "This used to be my seat.'' Seojun replied now getting more stern with his tone. "She's sitting there because of her bad eyesight.'' Mr Han leaned forward.

"Well Taehoon?'' He said looking over at Taehoon who sat in the far corner of the classroom. "Can you sit over there, Mr Handsome?'' Mr Han encouraged. "Me?'' She said doing the same thing Jugyeong just did.

"Seriously.'' He said pretending to be annoyed as he stood up. "Yes. Hey neighbor!'' He said dancing his way over to Suho as the class had laughed watching him. He plopped down in the seat next to Suho making Seojun walk to the seat Taehoon had previously sat in.

"Yes, Taehoon, great job!'' Mr Han said as he used his hands to make some random hand sign trying to match Taehoon's vibe. The class all groaned cringing at the way their teache r was acting. Jiyeong took her attention off their teacher ronde she saw Jugyeong turn around to whisper a quick sorry to Seojun.

The boy only looked at her for a second before placing his head done making his intentions clear that he wasn't going to do any work. Jiyeong only looked at him up and down. "Rude.'' She muttered under breath before facing the front of the class again.

After she had said that the boy had lifted his head up, probably hearing what she said and he seemed to be feel in thought. Jiyeong pretended that she didn't feel his stare on her as she paid attention to the class hoping he didn't recognize her.


The lesson was now over and Jiyeong only put her head to rest for a bit before their next one started, she was too lazy to even get out of her seat and talk to anyone. She ignored all her classmates as they conversed with each other about whatever they couldn't during their previous lesson.

She could faintly hear the conversation Suah and Jugyeong had in front of her about how close Sujin and Suho were. Her head snapped right back up when she heard heard the door slide open harshly creating a huge bang.

She looked over with her hair in her face slightly tickling her, she watched as the group of boys had walked in and made Seojun follow them out of the classroom. "So dramatic.'' Jiyeong mumbled to herself as the boys had finally left the room.


Jiyeong happily sat in the lunch room with her tray of food in front of her as she ate. Occasionally joining in with the conversation Suah, Jugyeong and the rest were having. The girl listened carefully as Suah had told them a rumor about Han Seojun. He had apparently beaten some kid up, almost killing him.

She laughed to herself knowing that the rumor wasn't true , whoever came up with that clearly wasn't thinking straight at the time. She swallowed her food and set her chopsticks down before starting to think to herself.

'How do I return the helmet?' She thought to herself when she suddenly heard some boys talking about them. "She even looks pretty when she's eating.'' A boy said pointing at Jugyeong. This made the younger twin said down the pork cutlet she was about to shove her mouth before cutting it up into small pricing before placing them in her mouth elegantly.

Jiyeong only shook her head as she watched her sister changing the way she even eats, she continued to eat her food howeve rest she wanted before she finished. Jugyeong had finished the same time as her so they got up to out their trays away together.

Jugyeong had suddenly stopped in front of Suho making Jiyeong retreat her steps so she didn't crash into her and dump the remaining food on her tray on her. She set down a drink in front of him. "I know you like it.'' She said to the boy before walking away.

Suho looked at Jiyeong seemingly looking for an explanation but all the girl did was shrug and walk away before also putting her tray away.


Their next lesson had come and Jiyeong sat next to Suah and Soojin with Seojun being across from her. "Hey Han Seojun.'' Sujin spoke up, they were working on a project together so they would have to actually talk and work together.

"Can you do a PPT?'' She asked boredly with a fist resting on her cheek. "What fitting?'' He replied turning his head to face Sujin, Jiyeong rolled her eyes once he started to show off. "Of course.'' He scoffed and fixed his blazer, his body was facing the side as he had his legs crossed.

"I was a fitting model once.'' he moved his hair out of his face looking back at the girls with an innocent smile on his face. Jiyeong had a disgusted on her face before she sighed and looked at Sujin. "I'll do it.'' Sujin thanked the girl grateful.

Jiyeong looked around the class not knowing what else to do before her eyes landed in her sister to see she had her head done with her hair covering her face. She looked up with a scared look on her face once mr Han had come sliver to their table.


(Not edited)

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