21 : Nutella :3

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» edited: 04.10.2017

[a/n]: these chapters are probably the most controversial in the entire book, and because i have such a fun time reading all of your reactions in the comments, i can't bring myself to change the title.

even kept the damn cat face.

/ look the end bit got a little rushed because it's nearly 2 in the morning and i'm about to pass out pls enjoy this i need to start sleeping at more reasonable times

x x 

After promising that you would return the following day in a more sober state of mind ( and uttering a few more apologies for whatever trouble you've caused when the booze polluted your mind, all of which returned with a weak laugh and an "It's all right, really," ) you left the building in the hands of Master Makarov and the few who chose to linger. Dressed in the evening light, you took your first steps.

» time skip

You were led to the closed doors of Sabertooth, the flag bearing the guild's insignia appearing powerful and majestic despite the headwinds that drafted through, flapping the fabric.

The exterior was lit by the spilling light of a few streetlamps, painting soft colors on the hard brick. Your shadow was tacked onto the pavement, mimicking your movements seamlessly, albeit without the crunch of the loose rocks underneath your shoes.

The entire town was fitted into a sleeping spell, because not even sickly strays roamed the place, and from the absence of noise inside the large building, you were pretty sure only the recognized guild members and the ones with important titles stayed behind.

Lights reflected on the windows of the building, a few raps against the hardness of the door and a loud "Coming," was produced from inside the walls of the edifice, one of the doors opening with an echoing creak. Rogue's form appeared from behind the huge door, slumping from sleep deprivation, though he quickly righted himself once he saw you.

"(Y/N)!" he exclaims, blinking as if to verify if you really were there physically. His eyelids slump halfway closed once he's resumed his previous countenance.

You wave at him, though you put little energy into the action, because you were tired and sleepy, too. "If you're still here, I take it Sting's inside too?"

Rogue rested his forehead against the door, giving a faint nod. "Your boyfriend sure getting to work late in the evening. Speaking of the dolt, he wanted me to give you something."

Rogue slips back into the building, leaving the door halfway open, inviting you inside with a curt movement of his wrist.

When you enter the guild, there are a three or four other members with their backs turned to you, distributed to different parts of the rows of tables. It bore a silence of a graveyard, and maybe it was the night air that slipped in from the crack of the door, but you shuddered a little.

Rogue smoothly slides his bum over the table closest to the door, producing a jar of Nutella from beneath his cloak. Your eyes are looking over the cloak draped around Rogue's body instead of the Nutella he's offering you, envious of how warm and snug it looked. The journey to Sabertooth's building was long, tiring, you were dressed poorly, and the night wind was more than generous to supply you with terrible chills whenever it passed by.

It's a few seconds before you accept the jar of Nutella, taking it in your hands, pressing it against your midsection for more security. 

"Sting said he saw it displayed on a shop the way here, it was on sale and Sting had pocketed some money, and he ended up buying it among other things," Rogue explained, resting his palms against the wooden table. You gave him a knowing nod.

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