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(Bold fonts will be used when they speak in English only)

After adjusting to three days in this new world, Haechan sat down at his desk while murmuring a few songs he had heard before. It was at this moment his brain finally worked as he recalled Mark in the other world loves his listening to his voice so much that they even made an album with them duet together. 

He wrote down the lyrics of the song and immediately composed the music by himself. It was five hours later when he finally completed recording, composing, and singing the song.  

With a sigh of relief, Haechan sent an email to Mark’s company with the hope that Mark would be able to listen to his voice. But the tricky part is that Haechan only sent half part of the song with the intention that if Mark wants to listen to the entire song, the rapper has to come to eSeM company himself to meet him. 

Two days later, in Jhones Sources. 

Mark Lee arrived in the recording room with his two assistants and manager while reading every comment his fans had left under his newly updated Instagram photo. 

Hey, I was just notified that there is an email address for you. Would you like to listen to it?” Mark’s manager spoke as he stood in front of Mark who was sitting on the couch while waiting for recording to start. 

What email? Is it a threatening email again?” 

No, but you have to read it yourself. I assure you it was nothing out of the ordinary, maybe just fans sending a heart-warming email for their artist” 

Mark eyed his manager who shrugged his shoulders at him. He took the iPad from his manager and opened the email that was mentioned. 

[Greetings! First of all, I am so sorry if my English is not good because I am still learning it. Well, I am sending this email to Mark Lee in hopes he will enjoy listening to the song I composed by myself for him. Please reply if you are interested in having further communication with me. 

With love, Lee Haechan.

There was a music file attached under the email with the title ‘Our Serenade’. It made Mark’s curiosity level up so he immediately downloaded the file and transferred it to his phone. After connecting his earphones to his phone, he listened to the song and was taken aback by the voice of the singer. 

The manager and assistants saw his reaction and wondered what kind of song he was listening to. 

The song only took one minute and a half and it was not even complete. It took Mark a few seconds to register what was happening before he started checking if the song was only that short. 

Seeing Mark’s action made their curiosity deepen. 

What's wrong, Mark?” 

This sender only sends half of the song! Do they send another email saying anything? Go, respond to this person, and let them send me the complete one!” Mark impatiently urged his manager to reply to the email according to his order. 

But his eagerness to be able to listen to the complete song was disturbed when the producer entered the recording room and told Mark to get ready. 

If there is a reply, tell me immediately, understand?” With the final word, Mark left in hurried steps. 


Haechan suppressed the urge to scream as he read the replies he received after he returned from practice. He glances around to see if their leader is in the room but the absence of a purple towel on the towel rack means that Taeyong is in the shower right now. 

Haechan could not wait any longer so he went to find his reliable hyung, Johnny, to listen to his rambles. 

“Hyung! Hyung! I received replies from Mark’s team!” Haechan exclaimed as soon as he stepped into Johnny’s room. 

Johnny who was lying down on his bed looked up at his bear who was looking excited by the way his face lit up. 

“Which Mark? It couldn't be Mark Lee, right?” Johnny’s suspicion has roused since he remembered a few days ago when Haechan asked them about Mark Lee. He can also feel that Mark was the reason why his baby bear was crying the other day. Now seeing him being happy like this, the suspicion has risen. 

Haechan happily throws his small body on top of Johnny’s making the older one cough heavily. His bear is surely gonna kill him with that jump. 

“Hehehehe… how do you know it was Mark Lee?” Haechan shyly asked Johnny. His red face makes Johnny frown. 

“Intuition I might say. What did he reply?” 

“They agreed to come here to meet me!” With that scream, Haechan rolled over Johnny’s body and the older one immediately stopped him by positioning Haechan lying down beside him instead of crushing him to death. 

“Why would they meet you? Did you threaten them or what?” 

“Why would I threaten them? Mark wants to meet me so he can listen to the complete song that I composed” There was a slightly proud tone in his voice making Johnny amused. 

“Why didn't you let me listen to it first? Also, why did you send him your song? What's your motive here?” Johnny’s question gets sharper and harder to answer. Haechan bit his lips in nervousness and tried to run away but was caught by Johnny’s long arm. 

“You better not run, tell me now” Haechan regrets approaching this papa bear of his that he often forgets how protective and scary he can be when it comes to Haechan. 

“I… I want to meet Mark. I just want to collaborate with him. Do you remember that the company recently permitted me to make a solo album before New Year?” Johnny nodded his head to the last word Haechan spoke. 

“I thought… I thought maybe it would be a good idea for me to collaborate with Mark!” 

“Why does it have to be him? There are still more famous rappers out there. It doesn't have to be him, right?” – Johnny

“B-But, the fans said my voice is the perfect companion with Mark’s voice,” Haechan said in a low voice while fiddling with his fingers.

Johnny doesn't have the heart to destroy his bear’s determination to sing a solo album but the thing is that Haechan wants Mark to duet with him. It's fine if Mark is willing to do that, but he remembered how fierce Mark’s fans are ever since Mark declared he does not want any scandal of him published on the internet. 

Johnny might seem to be a man who goes with the flow but Haechan is the person he protects with all his heart. What if Mark’s fans comment bad things to him, well, bad comments can still be tolerated but what if they physically hurt him? Johnny will never allow such things to happen to Haechan. 

|Author's note: The next chapter will be uploaded a few hours from now. Be patient and love you guys <3 Biggest apology, I actually fell asleep after uploading chapter 1 last night 😶 I forgot I did not upload this chapter yet|

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