You nodded.

After you finished eating, you went to get ice cream. One thing you definitely have in common is that you both have sweet tooth and you can't say no to dessert.
As you were finishing up, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see you childhood friend.

Y/n : Chris?

Christopher : Y/n? I didn't expect to see you here. How long has it been?

You got up and gave him a high five, while he gave your shoulder a friendly pat.

Y/n : Well we haven't met since I moved here, so around 4 years.

Christopher : Wow, it didn't feel like it. Time sure flies.

Y/n : You're alone?

Christopher : Nope, I came with my friends. I'm planning on coming here with my family for vacation next year.

Y/n : You should. Oh Chris, this is my boyfriend Jungwon. Jungwon, this is my childhood friend Christopher.

Christopher : Nice to meet you, man.

He said as he put his hand out for a handshake and Jungwon took it as a sign of respect.

Jungwon : You too. Y/n never mentioned about her childhood friend.

Christopher : She didn't tell me about having a boyfriend, either. You owe me an explanation, girl.

Y/n : That's because we haven't been in touch for so long, Chris.

Christopher : Well, I'm happy for you both. Anyway, I have to go back to my friends now. Y/n, next year when I come to visit with my family, come and join us for dinner or something.

Y/n : Text me when.

Chris : Ok, bye you two.

He waved as he went away.

Jungwon : Let's go.

Jungwon said as he held your hand and you walked back to your apartment.

You noticed that he was quiet the whole walk. So when you got to your apartment, you asked him.

Y/n : Jungwon, you ok?

He nodded and avoided your gaze. You held his hand and asked again as you feel like he's hiding something.

Y/n : Won, you've been quiet since we walked home. Is something wrong?

He didn't answer and just looked down.
You place your palm on his cheek to make him look at you.

Y/n : Won, if there's something wrong you have to tell me. No secrets, remember? If you don't, I won't understand. Is something bothering you?

He nodded.

Y/n : Did I do something to upset you?

He shook his head.

Y/n : Is it about my friend?

He nodded this time.
You giggled as you figured it out now.

Jungwon : Why are you laughing?

He said in a irritated tone as he pouted. You can't help it, he's just too cute.

Y/n : Are you jealous?

Jungwon : How can I not? And why didn't you tell me about that guy?

Y/n : I didn't think I had to, we haven't been in touch for quite some time now, plus, I didn't think that you two would meet. I think I did mention him before but I did not tell you his name.

Jungwon : Neither did you tell me his gender, I thought your childhood friend was a girl all this time.

Y/n : There are girls, but there are also boys.

Jungwon : Boys with an "s"? There are more?

Y/n : Well, yeah.

Jungwon : Why do you have so many male friends?

Y/n : Our parents are close friends, so we pretty much grew up together. I'm the oldest out of everybody else.

Jungwon : Are you all close?

Y/n : Kinda. Now that they're all grown up, we have more boundaries than before. And we all have our own lives, we get pretty busy. So we weren't as close as when we were younger, but we still chat sometimes.

He hummed, still pouting. You cupped both his cheek and looked at him fondly.

Y/n : You don't need to be jealous, Wonie. He's just a friend, more like a brother. You're the one I love, not him, hm?

He nodded slowly.

Y/n : Hehe why are you so cute when you're jealous? You're like a big baby, kiyowo~~

You said giggling as you squished his cheeks together.
He suddenly grabbed your wrists and walked closer and closer to you, while you keep walking back.

Jungwon : I'm not.

Not realizing the couch behind you, you fell on it and Jungwon pinned you.
His gaze on you was intense, like he was challenging you. His face inched closer and closer to yours, painting your cheeks in pink.

Jungwon : Look who's getting shy now.

He said with a smirk.
You playfully hit his chest for teasing you and you both chuckled, he's getting more flirty lately.

He lifted your chin to make you look at him and he leaned in to kiss you. You placed your hands on his shoulders as he placed one of his hand behind your neck to deepen the kiss and the other on the couch beside your head to hold himself up.

After you both pulled back for air, he gave you a peck on your forehead, nose, and lips.
He went to your neck and gave it peck. He went near your ear and gave another a peck before whispering to you.

Jungwon : Shouldn't you get a punishment for making me feel jealous?

Y/n : Huh? What?

You said in confusion and nervousness.
Suddenly he tickled your stomach making you laugh loudly.

Y/n : J-jungwon, please s-stop.

You said in the middle of your laugh.

Jungwon : Not until you say you're mine.

Y/n : Ok, ok. I'm only yours, Yang Jungwon. Please stop.

You said still giggling.
He stopped tickling you and grinned, feeling satisfied.

Y/n : Seriously, Jungwon. Did you have to tickle me?

Jungwon : Well, your laugh and confession was music to my ears.

He said making you scoff.

Y/n : Confession? You already know that deep down, even when I didn't tell you.

Jungwon : Hearing it with my own ears is different, you know.

You shook your head, giving up on arguing with him.

Y/n : You're lucky I love you so much, you evil little kitten.

Jungwon : I love you too, Y/nie.

He said smiling and hugged you.

------------------------The End----------------------

Hey guys, sorry it's a little short. I'll try to make it longer for the next one.

Thank you so much for reading🧡

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