Hagrid turn to look at me '' you aunt and uncle also leave you some gold'' to he point the gold next to Harry's i look at it in shock

'' didn't think your mom and dad would leave you with nuthin do ya'' he said looking back at harry with amassment look on his face

harry and i grab a sack full each of coins and we made our way to vault 713 '' what in there?" i ask Hagrid as riphook told us to stand back as he open the vault.

'' can't tell you violet, it's Hogwarts business, very secret'' he replied I only only nodded understanding as the vault door open i was thinking it was full on gold like ours but when i look inside it only had something small and wrap in a sack.

Hagrid walk into the vault and pick it as he walk out he turn to harry and i with a look '' best not to mention this to anyone, Violet, harry'' i nodded my head before following them back to cart i look at Hagrid who had that sick look back on his face when saw the cart i only shock my head before claiming back on and sitting down next to harry waiting to go back up.


we made it back up onto the crowded streets of Diagon ally i start reading the listen again on things we need I looked around of all the stores when Hagrid pointed them out again. We walked inside one of the stores to get our books.

I got separated from Harry as I went looking around in the store on my own. When I stopped at a certain shelf to get a book, there was one problem. I was too short to reach it. I tried again, but I couldn't. Until someone from behind, who was taller grabbed the book.

I turn around to see a boy about two years older then me holding the book I was after in his hand with a smile on his face as he hand me the book.

I took his appearance in he was tall with dark hair and the most bright greys eyes i have ever seen. I smiled at him.

"T-thanks." I said nervously. "I'm Violet."

"Well Violet, it's nice to meet you." He said. "I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory."

"Do you go to Hogwarts?" Violet asked curiously as she glanced down at the parchment to see what else she needs.

Cedric nodded. "I do actually. I'll be going into third year and i see you're going into your first year''

'' yes i am '' i nodded

'' what house are you hoping to be in?'' he asked i frowned when he asked that

''house?'' i asked him

''oh i guessing you're a muggleborn since you don't know about Hogwarts houses'' he said in amazement '' our school has different houses you get sort into on the first night of school''

'' oh cool what house are you in"? i asked him

'' well i am in Hufflepuff but there four house's in Hogwarts they are Gryffindor ,Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin''

'' wow'' i said he only smiled at my reply as he explain the houses values

'' i guess i'm hoping to get into Gryffindor if not Hufflepuff would be my second hope'' he smile grown wider when i said that

'' well i hop you get Hufflepuff two'' he started talking more about Hogwarts and other things i started getting a strange feeling i have never had before as i was about to ask him something until I saw Hagrid came in to the shop with Harry.

I sighed and then looked at Cedric.

"I should probably be going." I told him. "But it was nice meeting you, I'll see you at Hogwarts."

Violet EvansWhere stories live. Discover now