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(ignore the title on the image above, that was the old name)

This book takes place a year before everything in S.E Hinton's book The Outsiders. All the characters and setting goes to S.E Hinton.

Dallas Winston (16) - The toughest hood in Ponyboy's group of greasers. Dallas, known as "Dally," is a hardened teen who used to run with gangs in New York. Dally's violent tendencies make him more dangerous than the other greasers, and he takes pride in his criminal record. Dally feels protective of Johnny Cade.

Dylan Cox (17) -Ran away from her abusive boyfriend in New York and is now in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dylan's mom died while giving birth to Dylan, only at the age of 18. Dylan was put into a foster home for girls, but then met a boy and moved in with him. Now she's here on her own. Dylan is not your usual girl, she's very bitter and doesn't take anything from anyone. Dylan has only been arrested once for stabbing and killing a man who tried to rape her, but was released after two months because it was self defense. Oh and Dylan she may look a lot like Cherry Valance but they are complete opposites.

So what will happen when Dallas meets Dylan? Will Dallas be able to handle Dylan. He may be bad, but she's evil.

Will Dylan be able to take the roll of Cherry Valance? Maybe she's too mean to be her, maybe it's the devilish smile that appears on her face every time she hurts someone, or maybe she is the devil.

Sometimes you think you know someone a little too early.

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