"Here she is. Do your thing," Sam said. "Alright, you said you could fix her, so fix her," Dean said.

Bevell stammered. "She lied," Mary said. "What?" Sam asked.

"Mary's programming.. it's permanent," Bevell said. "You said..," Dean paused.

"You were gonna kill me. The Mary you know the good Mary, she's hiding behind impenetrable psychic walls. I'm afraid these walls can't be torn down by grenades. Your mother can't be saved," Bevell said.

My phone vibrates, it's Colt texting me. 'I made it to Sioux Falls, where are you?' I texted Jody's address.

'I will be there shortly.' Colt replied. I nodded. "Who was that?" Dean asked.

"My friend Colt Sigerson. He's safe and is on his way," I said. "Is Dani safe too?" Dean asked.

"Dani's safe," I said. "That's good. Did you call your mom?" Dean asked.

"Yes, my mom and Deanna are safe. Colt's parents are keeping them safe at their safe house," I said.

Dean sighed in relief. "I'm glad to hear that our sweet girl's safe with your mom," Dean said, then looked at his mom.

"Want a beer, Nadia?" Jody asked, holding a beer for me. "Sure, thank you," I said, taking it. I quickly chugged it down.

Minutes Later

More hunters started to arrive at Jody's house to help. There's a knock on the door.

Alex opens the door. "Colt Sigerson?" Alex asked.

"Yes," Colt said, walking inside. I got up walking to Colt, hugging him.

 I got up walking to Colt, hugging him

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"Hey, Nadia. You guys okay?" Colt asked. "We had better days. Are you and Dani doing okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Dani's staying with her parents to be safe," Colt said. "Nadia, who's this?" Sam asked.

"Sam, this is Colt Sigerson, he's my high school classmate, he's a hunter as well," I said. "Nice to meet you," Sam said, shaking Colt's hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Sam," Colt said. "Hey, Colt, how's it going?" Dean asked.

"Good. Had better days. Good to see you again, Dean," Colt said. "You too," Dean said.

Jody brings in beers for everyone. There's another knock, Alex answers the door.

The last two came in, I recognized them from a dream vision.

{Walt and Roy killed Sam and Dean in their hotel room.}

"Are they?" I asked. "Walt and Roy," Sam said. "Ones that killed us," Dean whispers.

"What's up with those four?" Colt asked. "They killed Dean and Sam for the apocalypse thanks to Ruby making Sam kill Lilith to break Lucifer free," I whispered.

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