Treat you Better

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Y/N's POV:

"Just get the fuck out." My boyfriend scoffed as he rolled his eyes, smoking the blunt in between his lips. I shook my head as I shoved his shoulder before grabbing my purse, phone and jacket.

I walked down a few streets until I reached my favorite bar. I could use a drink. As I entered, I met with the usual bright colored lights that glimmered around the bar. I sat down at my usual seat by the counter, sliding onto the stool in the far corner. The bartender, Garrett, knows me by now. He took one look at me before nodding his head to myself and a few moments later, a whiskey is slid down my way.

I sigh as I take a sip from it, leaning on the counter with my elbows. Someone tapped my shoulder, making me turn around to see the most beautiful woman ever.

"Hey." She mumbled softly and in a raspy tone as she smiled. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone at a bar." She chuckled which made smile slightly. "So, what are you doing here?" She asked as she reached for my glass, taking a small sip from it. She kept eye contact the entire time and it had me fainting.

"I needed a break." I say mysteriously as I grab the glass from her hand, making her raise a brow as she watched me gulp down the last bit of whiskey left in the cup. "From my boyfriend." I fully explain as her face drops.

"Why?" Was all she asked, with a wave of her hand the bartender passed us to more drinks.

"He's being a dick." I groan as I grab the glass, the hazel eyed girl watching intensely. "I went out to a party with some of my friends yesterday and he didn't like it. He's possessive over what I wear, who I got out with, and where I go."

"He sounds controlling, sweetheart." She husked, running her index finger along the edge of her glass. I smiled a little at her tone, I could tell she already didn't like my boyfriend. And I don't even know her yet. "I'm Hailee, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Hailee." I slowly smiled as she shook my hand with a smile of her own.


Me and Hailee have been talking for about an hour now, back and forth conversations about each other, ourselves and life. Soon enough, I let Hailee drag me to the hotel she was staying it.

I sat on the bed, she hovered over me, her silver chain dangling from her neck. I bit my lip as I admired her, smiling when her hand rested on my thigh, admiring me too.

"Has anyone ever told you how truly beautiful you are?" Hailee soon whispers from above me, her eyes flickering down to my lips for a second before looking back into my eyes.

I smiled, my heart fluttering uncontrollably as she did this. I sat up, leaning on my hands as she tilted her head, our lips inching closer and close together until my phone rings.

Hailee groans as she buries her face in my neck, making me chuckle as I reach for my phone. Looking at the caller ID, I sigh myself, gently pushing Hailee off of me. She looked at me confused.

"Hey." I whisper as I answer the call.

"Where the fuck are you?!" My boyfriend shouts from the other line. It was so loud that even Hailee could hear it. And she didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Doesn't matter." I hiss as my boyfriend keeps making up excuse after excuse. I've had enough, but before I could do anything, Hailee grabs my phone.

"Hey, dickhead. She won't be coming back home tonight, so get your shit together and leave her alone." She growled before hanging it up, the last thing I heard was silence from the other end of his call. "You don't live with him, do you?"

I shyly nod making Hailee sigh as she flips over on her back, her hands attaching to my hips to being me along with her, forcing me to straddle her waist.

"You can't live there anymore. You can't be with him either. You shouldn't." Hailee stated softly and I sighed, slowly nodding my head because she was right. We both knew she was. "I'll help you get your stuff and we'll figure the rest out but let me help you."

Even after meeting this woman only a few hours ago, I felt more safe with her then the boyfriend I've been with for over a year. She made me feel comfortable, vulnerable (in a good way), and that's all I've wanted to feel. This random stranger who wants to take my problems away, offers to help me.

"Okay." Was all I said as I nod, a smile slowly forming on my face.

Hailee gives me big doe eyes, looking up at me as her fingers play with the waistband of my pants. "You know I can treat you better than him... right?" I nod my head at her obvious question. "Let me prove it. Let me be yours... don't be his."

Her offer was enticing. But I didn't even need to think twice before answering 'yes' and grabbing her face to pull her up for a slow, yet passionate, kiss. She relaxed into it, both of us letting out content sighs as we closed our eyes, savoring the moment.

"So is that a yes?" Hailee asked in a dorky tone that made me laugh. She smiled as I nodded my head again in confirmation, grabbing her collar and pulled her back towards me for another savoring kiss.

Had me fainting at 6 in the morning.

—————A/N:Had me fainting at 6 in the morning

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