Marie: Cherie [hugs Cherie]!

Cherie: Marie [hugs Marie]!

Marie: Hi Joan. Hey guys.

Joan: Hi Marie! What's been going on?

Marie: Nobody knows what to do. We've been hanging out here trying to not attract attention. All the paratroopers were speaking Russian.

Joan: Listen, we'll probably be better off with some scouts on the roof.

Girl: Hey! I got that covered. Me and my friend have been on watch upstairs.

Joan: [turns to the girl who spoke] Good. What's your name?

Girl: My name is Jane Wiedlin, proud to be of service, miss [salutes]. I got my friend Belinda upstairs on watch with me.

Joan: Thanks, Jane. Have anything to report?

Jane: Well, first we scouted around the area, we found some Soviet tanks a few blocks north of here on Chandler. Some men passed by real close too. We can't let them take over the Sugar Shack! Some men already came over and took some of our cocaine!

Cherie: [gasps, eyes open wide] WHAT?!

Marie: Oh, it was horrible. None of us speak Russian. They came here for our drugs. They were also trying to take some of the girls but we chased them off for now.

Lita: [looks at Jackie] They were trying to take Foxy away from us! I was gonna beat that little guy up!

Cherie: But... My cocaine!

Cherie catches sight of a pile of all their cocaine on the floor by the side of the Sugar Shack opposite the juice bar. It was all placed in the back corner of the dance floor, which has wall-length mirrors covering three walls, the mirrors that are filled with lipstick kisses of all different colors. Above the dance floor in the center is a huge disco ball. At night, the lights went out but the disco ball would spin and the DJ would sound the air horn on the wall as bodies danced across the floor. For now, everything lay dormant this strange afternoon. It was also too early in the day for action, anyways. Cherie runs and kneels by the cocaine.

Cherie: How much did they take?!

Joan: [runs after Cherie]: Cherie! Stop! You just got some more at the studio!

Cherie: [angry tone] Argh! Nobody steals my cocaine and gets away with it! [stands up, puts hands on Joan's shoulders] We're gonna make them pay if they come back here!

At that moment, Belinda comes downstairs and stands by Jane while the crowd has their attention on Joan and Cherie. Joan turns around and faces them.

Marie: We don't know what to do. All of us are scared. Who knows if we'll get shot or not if we leave this place.

Cherie: Joan, I think we almost got shot.

Joan: It was hell out there. It would be too much risk to bring everyone outside.

Jane: We don't know if they got the whole valley under control.

Joan: Does anyone have a map?

Marie: I found one under the bar counter.

Joan and Cherie walk behind the bar while the kids follow them. Joan reaches underneath the counter for a folded up map. She opens it on the bar counter and quickly inspects the area.

Joan: Jane, do you remember where you spotted the soldiers? Anyone got something to write with? Can you mark it on the map?

A girl hands Joan a pen while Jane steps up to the map, takes the pen from Joan, and puts X's roughly where she had spotted soldiers and Z's where she spotted tanks. The marks are mainly to the north.

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