Chapter 15: Legilimens

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Sylvia took a long pause before answering.

"Not yet, dear. I'm sure she won't be gone much longer."

"Grandma... Am I an orphan?"

"Darling, of course not. Your parents are still alive. And they love you very much."

"But I don't ever get to see them." Theda protested. "It's like I don't even have parents."

"I know it's hard to understand now, but it'll all make sense when you're older."

The scene continued to change, over and over.

Theda was writing a letter which she addressed to her father, then tossed into the fireplace, slowly watching it burn.

Then she was wearing a gingham apron and laughing as she and Sylvia made a cherry pie together.

Next, she was staring out the upstairs window until the sun went down.

She was looking through Sylvia's picture books at photos of her mother as a child.

Reading To Kill A Mockingbird.

Getting into bed with Sylvia during a bad thunderstorm.

Drawing pictures of herself holding hands with her parents.

None of the scenes Severus witnessed showed any signs of friends or family other than Sylvia.

The scene changed again. Theda was now standing in the center of a circular room surrounded by hundreds of students. Severus quickly realized this must be Ilvermorny. She looked as though she were on the verge of tears, her lip trembling. As she stood there under the eyes of her classmates, a wooden statue of a small goblin-like creature raised its bow and arrow into the air.

"Right, Miss Desmond, you're in Pukwudgie!" Said a teacher as the room began to clap.

As she joined the other students in her house she closed her eyes and put her hands on her ears as the tears finally began to stream from her eyes.

The scene changed again. They were now in the girl's dormitory.

Theda was asleep in bed until she was awoken by a scream from one of her roommates.

"What is it!?" Asked one of the other startled girls.

"Look at her hair! It's gone white!" She said, pointing at Theda.

Theda blushed as her hair slowly changed back to brown.

The girls all screamed this time.

"How did you do that?" One of them asked.

"I don't know. I've always been able to do it. I bet there are others here who can do it too."

"No, there aren't. That's not normal. You're not normal."

They were in class now, the young students running wild while they waited for their teacher.

"Theda, show Steven what you can do with your hair." One of the girls said.

"I don't want to," Theda said, burying her nose in her book and sinking into her seat as though if she sank low enough no one would be able to see her.

"Come on, he doesn't believe you can do it!"

Theda said nothing. Just then another student snuck up beside her and grabbed her by the shoulders before screaming in her ear. Theda was so startled that her hair turned bright red, at which all the students began to laugh.

Forget Me Not (Severus Snape x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora