The world filters out, the noise becomes a soft hum, the light shifts and all at once there is nothing in Bright's sight than Win.

He takes in the soft lavender sweater that showed off Win's regally broad shoulders and gracefully molded onto his strong chest. He takes in how his waist tapers, impossibly small compared to his hips - both accentuated by the cut of his pants.

But this godly physique is eclipsed by that face. The piercing eyes and well defined brows. The handsome nose. And the sharp as knife jaws. Most of all - that smile.

All iterations of that upturned mouth plays with the strings of Bright's heart but as their eyes meet across the set and that smile melts into something soft, small, and honey sweet - Bright believes this to be his most favorite Metawin smile. The one reserved for him alone.

They hit their marks, their eyes never once leaving each other.

In the distance, Bright could hear someone shout "action!". But he couldn't be sure, he was to engrossed in the presence of Win.

There were no words of dialogue for this moment.

Which was good because Bright's voice was currently trapped in his throat, overpowered by the loudness of his beating heart.

He takes a step closer.
His hand reaches for the curve of Win's jaw. Win bites his own lip, nervous for what comes next.
The tip of Bright's thumb runs ever so gently against the soft line separating Win's lips.
Win exhales, a soft plea escaping him as he pulls on Bright's sleeves.

Their lips meet.

And oh my god Bright has kissed these lips in 50 lifetimes now but nothing could ever prepare him for the feel of it.

The shock of love and pleasure that suckerpunches him in the chest before it swirls like ink on water into every part of his body. His skin feels like it's on fire and the only way to diffuse the heat is to feel Win on every cell of his being.

Win gasps into Bright's mouth, willing himself to keep it together because they are in public and on camera. But as their lips press harder together, as he feels his own mouth part ever so slightly to invite Bright in he could feel himself coming undone.

They stumble backward and find themselves falling into the couch on set. Metawin feels the hard press of Bright's body on his, feels his knee graze unforgivingly between Win's thighs and all Win could do was pull on Bright's collar to bring him closer.

Their mouths never leave each other. Win could feel Bright's hot tongue begging for more than he could give in this moment. Win feels himself arch upwards to kiss Bright harder. And he didn't mean to do it just then but he whispers into their kiss.

I love you. Do you know that I love you?

Bright's eyes widen for a moment and it feels like he may just pull away but Win gently presses into the back of Bright's neck and their lips find purchase in each other once again.

And that is when the flashbacks start.

Win sees himself in a mountain pass, frenetic with anxiety at the thought of meeting the Prince of Fire.

He sees himself reflected in a lake except it wasn't the him he knew himself to be. He had long flowing hair and was donning equally long sheer robes that exposed all of his body.

He sees the Prince of Fire enter the clearing - except the Prince was not some mythical stranger. It was Bright and he regarded him with suspicion and fear that Win realized he began feeling too.

The flashes of memory took him to their affair, to the war...

But the moments were too fast, Win could not grapple with it all. Couldn't really make sense of it.

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