Give me your hand and meet me in the moonlight (under the stars at midnight)

AB6IX & Reiley

At times during the week there's a brief overlap in Johnny and Mark's schedules where the former heads to work at the same time Mark walks to class. Sometimes they walk together up until their paths split ways.

"I think I get your little puppy crush on Jaehyun," Johnny teases and Mark's steps falter. He looks at him with those wide expressive eyes and it's hard not to laugh. "What? You're a bit obsessed and that's okay."

"I–I am not obsessed with him," Mark sputters. "And I don't have a crush, where did you even get that from?"

Johnny gives him a look and raises an eyebrow, staring at the way Mark's cheeks flush. "You sure about that?"

"Yes!" Mark's pace quickens but it doesn't take him long to not only lose steam but admit to not being completely truthful. Johnny's gotten a little too good at getting him to crack over the last year or so. "Okay, I had a tiny thing for him once but that was years ago."

"Yeah, sure. Years." Johnny says it just to be annoying.

"Yes, years! I mean he looks like that, who wouldn't like him a little?" Mark looks at him with a shrug and casually—almost too casually—turns it back on him. "Are you trying to say you don't?"

Johnny shrugs and assumes a poker face just to seem more suspicious. "Maybe I do, Maybe I don't."

Mark squints at him and looks ahead, realizing they'd arrived at his stop. He checks the time on his phone. "I'll see you later."


Mark speeds up and stops right at the door to the building, hand on the handle. "I mean it, it was nothing serious!" He then disappears behind the door.

Johnny shakes his head and continues forward. It doesn't take long for him to reach the cafe he works at part-time. He gets into work mode, focusing on his tasks and just going with the flow. His shift turns out to be pretty chill, the amount of traffic at just the right amount that he doesn't feel swamped, or so bored it makes him wanna drive his face into a wall.

Taeyong clocks in a couple hours after Johnny and it makes it all even better. Even though he likes all of his coworkers, he doesn't actually know any of them outside of work except for Taeyong. Days at the cafe are always better when they're on the clock at the same time, the hours passing before either of them even notice.

It's nearly the end of Johnny's shift when Jaehyun walks through the doors, the bell ringing. Taeyong's in the back, leaving Johnny to take his order in the relatively empty cafe. Jaehyun smiles when they meet eyes.

"Hey, I didn't know you worked here," he says as he walks up to the counter. "Jaemin recommended the place."

"Yeah, I've been here awhile," Johnny replies. Jaemin's monster coffee flashes in his mind and he grimaces. "Please tell me you don't do coffee like your brother."

Jaehyun laughs and shakes his head. "God, no, I'm actually sane. Can I just get a regular iced americano and a cup of cinnamon bites?"

"Regular, huh?" Johnny raises an eyebrow and Jaehyun rolls his eyes.

"Yes, regular."

Johnny tells him the total and Jaehyun pays. Taeyong reappears just in time to help with the coffee. Johnny starts filling a cup with cinnamon bites, and if he gives Jaehyun a little extra, there's no one there to tell. "So, what're you up to?"

Feel your lips crushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora