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Ivan stepped out of his car. He shut the door behind him , and looked over to his mom. "Bye Hun'!" She said with a smile. "Bye mom." He said with a small smile.

His younger sister Mary was drinking a Juice Box and watching Teen Titans GO! on her IPad. He reached over and ruffled her hair. She giggled smiled up at him. "Bye Mary!" He said happily. She gave him a smile and said "Bye Ivy!" and turned back to her IPad.

Ivan smiled and walked inside his school.

A couple of people looked at him and blushed. Ivan smiled at them.

He was the most popular kid in school. A lot of people liked him. He was the star athlete , and won all of his school's football games , was incredibly smart , looked really hot , and was a pretty nice guy.

He was always confident, and out going- except when it came to Amalia.

He had a huge crush on them.
Like- a really big crush.

They had been going to the same school since elementary. They didn't hang out much- but they were definitely friends.

Ivan thought they were the most beautiful person ever. They were incredibly sweet , and there laugh was as sweet as sugar.

He always gets SO nervous around them....it was like he was an entirely a different person!

He decided that today was the day to ask them out....he had put it off for the longest.

He bumped into his enemy , Richard. They had been rivals since kindergarten. He absolutely hated that dude. He was totally egotistical , rude , and thought he was better then everyone else.

Once Richard Ex-girlfriend , Riley , had broken up with him , after she saw him cheating on him with his new girlfriend Delilah , he posted revenge porn of her.

Riley got bullied so hard , she ended up having to move schools!

He will admit , sometime Ivan himself could be kind of self-absorbed , but he doesn't post revenge porn and act like a bitch.

"Watch were your going." Richard said , angrily. Ivan glared at him. "Your dumbass was the one staring at his phone." He pointed out. He shoved Richard off of him , and walked to his locker.

Ivan waited for Amalia to go to their locker. Their lockers were just across the hall from each other , so he usually talked to them every day.

When Amalia had walked to their locker , he had gotten nervous. He ended up sucking it up , and walked up to them.

"Hey!" He said. Amalia turned around and smiled at him.

"Hey dude!" Amalia said. They gave him that beautiful smile that they always had.

"I uhhhhh...." He said. "Nevermind actually , I uhm-" He stuttered off. Amalia frowned. "Is something wrong?" They asked.

"It's just uh....I like you. Not in a friend way- I mean , of course in a friend way , you are a great friend- like you are super nice....but I also have a huge crush on you and want to ask you out....but I don't want to ruin our friendship-!" He rambled on.

Amalia stared at him for a second before giggling.

"Ivy , I like you too." They said. Ivan's eyes widened.

"Wait , really?!" He said. Amalia nodded her head 'yes'

Ivan blushed , and practically looked like a tomato.

Amalia gave him a smile , and kissed him in the cheek. "So....do you want to be my boyfriend?" Amalia asked. Ivan grinned like a idiot. "....Only is you want to be my partner." He said shyly. "Then I guess we are together!" They exclaimed.

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