S1E10: Lucky girl

Start from the beginning

Max: "Kind of wish we hadn't"

Hex's eyes widen, knocking Max and Gwen back with a telekinetic force. As he turns to deal with the other two, he's met with an onslaught of punches, with his centre charm being tossed across the room in the fray. XLR8 then knocks Hex back, as boomer waits. He grabs Hex by the head, and smashed him into the ground. Smashing his fists into his back.

Max: "Nice job!"

As boomer picks up Hex, XLR8 picks up a charm to add to his souvenir box.

XLR8: "Just doing with I need to do and keeping it low-key"

And not long after, XLR8 and Boomer were standing in front a crowd of cheering and flashing cameras. XLR8 was eating it all up, but boomer was unamused.

XLR8: "Who's your hero?"

Boomer sighed, and walks away.

XLR8: "hey, where're you going partner?"


The Rust Bucket was driving along, as Ben's putting away his trophy along with his other souvenirs, Including Dr. Animo's Transmodulator, Capt. Shaw's photograph, and a photo of himself, Gwen, and y/n taken in Sparksville.

Gwen: "All I'm saying is that you didn't exactly stop that creep all by yourselves today, okay? I helped save your sorry butts, but does anybody notice me?"

Y/n: "please leave me out of this. I don't want the attention"

Ben: "Hey, being a hero is not about getting attention"

Y/n: "thank you Ben"

Gwen: ""Who's your hero?" -Uh, hello?"

Y/n: "...nevermind..."

Max: "I noticed you, Gwen"

Gwen: "We're related, so that doesn't count"

Ben: "Hey, no offence, but you threw a trash can at the guy. That doesn't exactly make you a hero, unlike me and y/n"

Y/n: "I ask again. Please leave me out of this..."

Gwen: "Wake up! The only reason you're a big hero is because that watch. If I found it instead of you, I'd be getting all the attention, and all the cool souvenirs!"

Y/n: "and im being ignored... You won't ignore me, would you bubble gum?"

Y/n held up his pink plush bear. Its head tilting to the side.

Meanwhile, Gwen sulks by the window while Ben rummages through the box of souvenirs. Ben sighs and brings out the charm Hex lost during the fight.

Ben: "All right, here. Take it"

Ben hands Gwen the charm. Gwen reacts surprised.

Gwen: "Really?"

Ben: "Yeah, I got tons of other stuff"

Max: "Gwen? Don't you have something you want to say to Ben?"

Gwen: "You know this doesn't change the fact that you're just plain lucky. But Thanks"

Ben: "You're welcome"

Later, the tennysons were inside a restaurant, taking the time to eat. Y/n was finished eating, as was max, but Ben and Gwen weren't, as there was a final craw-fish on the plate.

Gwen: "I've been counting. You've had eleven craw-fish to my nine.

Ben: "Sounds like it's time to make it an even dozen"

Gwen's charm, now being worn like a necklace, glows.

GwenSmacks the fork out of Ben's hand as he's going for the craw-fish.

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