Darling Family

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Five Years Later

Marinette stuffed the grocery bags in her car trunk, sighing heavily

She pulled away from the supermarket, driving back home

Just then, her phone began ringing

Marinette: Hello?

Alya: Hey, Marinette!

Marinette: Oh! Hey, Alya! How are the kids doing?

Alya: They're doing well. They're playing with Nico & Elaine.

Marinette: That's good. Thanks for babysitting them.

Alya: It's no problem, girl! Besides, Emma loves hanging out with me!

Emma took the phone, giggling a lot

Emma: Hi, mommy!

She smiled, hearing her daughter's upbeat tone

Marinette: Hi, sweetie. Are you having fun with Alya?

Emma: Yeah! She's so fun!

Hugo: Hey! Is that mom? I wanna talk to her!

Her & Hugo began fighting over the phone

Emma: No fair! I had it first, Hugo!

Hugo: Well, I want it!

Alya: Well, I'm the owner, so I'll be taking it back.

Alya took her phone from the kids, who whined sadly

Alya: So, anyways, is Adrien coming back today from his business trip?

Marinette: Yeah. He should be arriving back tonight.

Alya: Oh, thank god.

Marinette: And don't worry, Alya. I'm going to pay you for babysitting Emma, Hugo, and Louis.

Alya: Thanks, girl. I hope to see you when you get back.

Marinette: Okay.

Marinette hung up the phone, driving slow but steady

She arrived back at the house, parking in the driveway

She entered inside & shut the door behind

Emma peeked from the corner

Emma: Mommy!

Marinette smiled & lifted her daughter in her arms

Marinette: Hi honey, did you have fun with Alya?

Emma: Yeah! She's so funny!

Alya came downstairs, with Hugo & Louis by her side

Alya: Hey, you're back!

Marinette: Yep. Are you okay? Your hair is messy.

Alya: Well, after all that playing, I feel exhausted.

She laughed a bit

Marinette: I see why. They get me tired too. Why don't you & I hang out tonight?

Alya: Sure, but who will watch the kids?

Marinette: I'll call Socqueline & see if she wants to babysit. Besides, we have so much to catch up on.

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