The Soiree

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Anthony waited in the line of carriages to reach Danbury House.He became even more eager  with every second that passed to see Kate.When the carriage stopped in front of the house he practically pulled his mother and sister out of the carriage and almost ran inside.

Benedict and Colin tried very hard to hide there amusement.They failed miserably as they escorted Eloise and Violet inside.

Kate was minding her business subtly searching the crowd for one eldest Bridgerton brother.

''Looking for someone Miss Sharma''A welcomed voice asked she whirled around and Anthony was there

''My lord''Kate curtsied and that was returned with a bow and a kiss on the hand

''You look so utterly beautiful''Anthony flirted

''Well you are the handsomest in the room''Kate flirted back

''Oh I disagree''

''Oh do you''

''You are the handsomest Miss Sharma''

Kate blushed and glanced up at Anthony who had his eyes trained on her.

''You blushed''Anthony grinned

''So..''Kate said

''You find my flirting to be that good?''Anthony asked

''It is better than any of Edwina's suitors''

''They flirt with you?''

''More like charm me''

''Well then I shall have to deal with that then''


''Well a duel is a last resort''

''You wouldn't''

''Oh I would''

''I am not surprised''

Before Anthony could reply the entertainment of the suitors had begun and Anthony and Kate stood behind the chair where Edwina was sat.Anthony tried very hard to not laugh at some moments and at others he wondered if he should start reciting Lord Byron to Kate.

''Should I start reciting Byron to you''Anthony whispered 

''Dear god I've hear enough of him to last me ten lifetimes''

''Oh then what about Robert Burns''

''Who is he''

''A Scottish poet from a couple and centuries ago''


The couple stopped talking when they felt Edwina's cool gaze on them.Anthony saw how hurt Kate was with the situation and hated that he was the reason for it.But he knew that if he tried to court Edwina Kate would make it very difficult.

By the end of the night Anthony knew Kate would accept his proposal all he needed to do was ask.

An;Sorry this chapter is a bit worse and mainly speaking and for those who think it is moving to fast I am planing on doing some married kanthony.

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