Winterguard and Moonwatcher felt sorry for Sunny, and they wanted to help her. They decided to try to break the spell and free her from Qibli's control. They also wanted to stop Qibli and Whiplash from destroying the cyberverse and killing their friends. They gathered their courage and their strength, and they charged at Qibli and Whiplash. They shouted, "Stop this madness! You are our friends, not our enemies! We can work this out peacefully, without violence!"

Qibli and Whiplash laughed and said, "Too late for that, your majesties. You have ruled long enough, and now it's our turn. We don't want peace, we want power. And we will take it from you, by force!"

They raised their weapons and magic, and they attacked Winterguard and Moonwatcher. A clash of metal and magic followed, as the two sides fought for the fate of the cyberverse.

Qibli charged at the palace gate with Whiplash and Sunny at his side. They were a force to be reckoned with killing all guards in sight and anyone who met with them fell in the end. Starflight and Fatespeaker arrived at the battle and fought for Winterguard and Moonwatcher. Killing many rebels with their magic and archery skills Qibli saw that if the other council memebers were to join the tables would be turned so he sent Whiplash to finish off with thoses two and make sure to leave no one alive. Up on the balcony Winterguard dropped down to the ground with Moon at his side. He took out his sycthe, a heroes relic and a powerful weapon named "frostbite". "Stop this Qibli you know better than this if you surrender I'll spare you death and try to make your punishment as light as possible. But you must release Sunny from whatever spell you put on her and you must stop whiplash before he does something unthinkable!", Winterguard pleaded. "Too late you imbecile!", a voice crowed. Winterguard turned and saw Whiplash with a dark look in his eye and he was covered in blood. "I believe that any council memeber that tries to fight will meet a similar fate to those who arrived", he said while pointing to the lifeless bodies of fatespeaker and starflight. "N

No one can stop us now, not even you, Winterguard. You are weak and foolish, and you have failed as a king. You have betrayed your own sister, and you have lost your true love. You have nothing left to live for. You might as well give up and die."

Winterguard felt a surge of anger and grief as he saw his friends' corpses and heard Whiplash's taunts. He also felt a pang of guilt and regret as he looked at Sunny, who was staring at him with hatred and contempt. He wondered how he could have let this happen, and how he could have saved her. He wished he could tell her the truth, and make her remember their bond.

He also felt a spark of hope and love as he looked at Moonwatcher, who was standing by his side. She was his queen and his soulmate, and she had never left him. She had supported him and fought with him, and she had given him strength and courage. She had also seen his future and his past, and she had chosen him over Qibli. She loved him, and he loved her.

He decided to fight for her, and for the cyberverse. He decided to stop Qibli and Whiplash, and to free Sunny. He decided to live, and to win.

He gripped his scythe and said, "You are wrong, Whiplash. I am not weak, I am strong. I am not foolish, I am wise. I have not failed, I have succeeded. I have not betrayed, I have protected. I have not lost, I have gained. I have everything to live for. I have a reason to fight. And I will never give up, and I will never die."

He turned to Moonwatcher and said, "I love you, Moonwatcher. I love you more than anything. Thank you for being with me, and for believing in me. We can do this, together. We can save the cyberverse, and we can save Sunny. We can defeat Qibli and Whiplash, and we can end this war. We can live, and we can be happy."

He kissed her and said, "Are you ready, my love?"

She kissed him back and said, "I'm ready, my love."

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