"Let me guess, northwest side of the map, abandoned church. Place is a hovel for Kolbolds, easy to kill, decent EXP and Col, quick respawns. Am I right?"

Her eyes widen a bit, "How did you- wait, you're a-"

I get up from the booth and make my way out, "I don't need a bunch of newbs holding me back."
A meeting was called at the Tolbana Amphitheater, supposedly because the boss room was just discovered. The dungeon leading to the room was moved, so any information from the Beta is useless.

A fellow with blue hair and a blue outfit started the meeting.

"Hello everyone, thanks for coming." He smiled and tapped his chest, "I'm Diavel, and the job I rolled is Knight!"

There's no job system in this game, only stat building. This guy is no more a knight than I am a farmer.

"Now, I know many of you may be discouraged by the fact that 2000 people have died so far."

"What?!" Someone from the crowd yelled.

"2000 people are dead?!" Another screamed.

"It hasn't even been a month yet!"

"Oh god, we really are fucked!"

Undeterred, Diavel continued, "And I know even MORE of you are a little down because we haven't cleared the 1st Floor yet."

Dude's only digging himself deeper, this is actually kind of funny.

"We haven't?!"

"I thought we were almost done!" One cried.

"Uhhhh, you guys know there are 100 Floors, right?" Diavel asked.

After a collective "what" from the mass of stupid below me, Diavel gets that he's just making things worse and cuts to the chase.

"The good news is, we found the boss room!" Diavel folded his arms, "Now, there's something you all need to know before we start this meeting proper. Beating the boss isn't just about moving forward, it's about proving that we aren't going to sit back and wait to die. We owe it to every player still alive to show them that this game isn't impossible, and that escape is something we can achieve! You all with me?"

Everyone stayed quiet before some applause rung out, some agreement, one guy even whistled. Gotta admit, man's got a career as a public speaker if he ever makes it out of here.

"Alright, glad to see the enthusiasm. Now, I'm gonna need everyone to group up into parties of 6."

Knew it. Looking around, I see everyone else teaming up, discussing who leads, stuff like that. I close my eyes, smile, and hold my arms behind my head. I don't need any of them. The fact that I often get weird stares from them just means that they weren't worth my time to begin with.

"Now that we're all well and acquainted, let's go over how we're gonna beat this boss. We've formulated a few strategies with some help from the Beta Testers-"

"Hold up just a sec!"

Looking to the side, I see a guy with... spiky isn't the word for it, dude's hair makes him look like he's got a hedgehog resting on top of his head. He's equipped with a set of scale armor and has a longsword strapped to his back. He jumps down the stairs of the amphitheater and points to himself.

"I'm Kibaou, and I got a couple words for the Beta Testers!" He yells, "You assholes are the reason we're still stuck here!"

"What? Do you have any evidence to back that up?" Diavel asks.

"Pfft, sure I do! Those guys snagged all the good hunting spots and quests before we could! Think about it, they got an advantage over us because they got to play sooner. They didn't help us out, and now we're down 2000 people!" Kibaou snorts and starts pointing accusingly into the crowd, "No one else was able to get there first, and we were underprepared. The Beta Testers are responsible through inaction for not helping out us newbies! The blood of the 2000 players is on their hands! They need to come out and take responsibility for what they could've stopped!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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