Test tube POV:

I sat at the couch and turned on the tv. Fan came in and sat down next to me. We both watched some tv shows for a while cuz we've been busy the whole day. Paintbrush then came in with bags of groceries he bought. I watched him put them in the fridge and ran off to his room. Maybe he's tired, I'm not sure.

"Hey paintbrush."

"What is it Fan?"

"Who do you think our fourth roommate is?"

"How would I know? Maybe we don't have one."

"I think they'll come when school starts."

"I'm going to bed, goodnight."

I threw all my clothes into the closet and brush my teeth. Then head to bed.


I'm going to the library to find some research about the experiment I need to do for the assignment. Fan is still sleeping so I think leaving him in his room would be fine. I grab my notes and textbooks and left the dorm.

Fan POV:

"Where did my camera go? I thought I placed it here." I thought. I went to test tube's room and she's not there. Then I walked to paintbrush's cuz Test tube isn't there.

"Heyy Paintbrush. What are you doing right now?"

"Heyy. I just woke up, what do you want?"

"Can you cook breakfast for me?"

"So you can't cook?"

"I don't know how Paintbrush can you help me?"

"Alright, fine. But first let me do my business."

I walked out of paintbrush's room and sat on the couch waiting for him to arrive. (It's them) I got bored so I turned on my phone. "I think I should write a blog today but what? OH! I know! I will ask OJ to open a party to celebrate Test tube's 18th birthday. Her birthday is today I almost forgot!" I scrolled through my contacts and clicked the call button to call OJ.

"Hey OJ! Can you open a party to celebrate Test tube's birthday?"

"Sure, why not? I'm free right now. By the way who are your roommates? Mine's paper, pickle and knife."

"Mine is test tube and Paintbrush, I don't know if we have a fourth roommate."

"Ok, we'll set things up, you should come to my dorm right now, my dorm is 27."

"I'm coming!"

I saw paintbrush cooking in the kitchen while I'm cooking and the plate is in front of me. I took the plate and start eating.

"Paintbrush, we're going to Oj's dorm to set up a party for Test tube."

"Is it her birthday?"

"Yeah. Wait- HOW DID YO-"

"I heard you calling OJ"

"Anyways let's go we don't have time."

Time skip to OJ's dorm ......

"Alright we got our things settled! We're good to go!"

I quickly grab my phone to call test tube to go to OJ's.

"Guys hide behind the walls! She's coming in!"

Everyone hid behind the walls and preparing for the confetti pops.

"Hello?" Test tube opened the door carefully.

"3... 2...1... SURPRISE!"


"Happy birthday test tube!"

We set up the birthday cake and celebrate.


Hello! It's me again :)

I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great day/night!

Edit : hello :)
I have this photo here :)

Edit : hello :) I have this photo here :)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Word count : 1000words

Lightbrush ✨ (I'm writing again:))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat