Chappy-9 It's bed time

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The bond of his hands & the stubborn attitude of his was getting on my nerves. And in that moment I really, really hated my weakness in front of his alpha strength.

Even though my words and actions were not having any effect on his stubborn ass, I still tried,

"I SAID I DON'T WANT TO EAT ANYTHING. Just leave me alone...!"

To my frustration, instead of getting angry or annoyed, he seemed to enjoy the more I struggled. His face had that kind of emotion which said that he thought it was cute that I was trying to shrug of a wolf when I knew I was not more than a helpless rabbit in front of his strength.

To my frustration, he smiled at me cutely and instead of trying to stop my struggles, his right hand entered inside my shirt from the back and reached till the underside of my breast. I could not even explain the intensity of the shudder that ran through me, but I was sure as hell that he felt it very, very closely.

After a minute or two when the shock wore off, I started squirming more hardly, but it was all a waste. He knew as well as I that those futile attempts of shrugging him off were going to get me nowhere.

"Okay my love. As you wish." To my shock and astonishment, those words came out of his lips. There was a catch... there was definitely a catch... as I thought about words he opened his mouth to continue and here we go. I knew it!

He continued, " If you are not ready to eat anything, then I am also not going to eat anything." His voice turned teasing and husky as he continued, but the look in his eyes was of complete seriousness.

"But you should know that I am VERY hungry. So hungry that I would not hesitate a minute to eat something else either and I am going to eat that right now. I can definitely think of a few things like your body, your lips and....."

I slapped my hand on his mouth before he could say anymore words shamelessly. But then pulled my hand back almost immediately.

I could not even believe he was being so openly shameless right now with me. 

I gasped loudly and my voice changed instantly from angry to urgent because I knew a threat from an unmated male to his female was never an empty threat and I definitely did not want to take the risk.

"I am... I am hungry. Let me get up." I blabbered urgently.

"Nope. You are going to eat like this only." Mace replied in a full serious tone.

Just as I started to protest and say something, he shoved a spoonful of food in my mouth. My eyes bulged out from the surprise of his sudden attack. I glared at him angrily. But he did not even seem to notice.

After that I obviously had to finish my food like that only. Him feeding me spoonfuls of food while I tried to avoid the obvious growing desire in his eyes every time his eyes landed on my lips and his erection pressing into that one part of my body that I needed to keep far, far away from him cause it would not stop dripping every time he touched me. 

* * * * * * *

It was midnight but sleep was far away from my eyes. I could feel Mace's breath in my neck, giving me occasional shudders from the tickle and desire that it ignited.

His whole body was pressed on my back. His one hand rested on my waist and the other hand was under my head. His head was pressed in the part where my shoulder and neck met. Our 'After dinner bed conversion' was still roaming through my head and it did not let me sleep even for a minute. 

After finishing our food I tried my best to avoid the pressing tension and need between us, and tried to go to sleep again.

When I was laying on the bed, I saw Mace switching off the lights of the room. Well.. I could not actually see Mace because I was facing the opposite side of the room. Suddenly I felt Mace's body pressing on my back.

I literally jumped out of my skin and cried out instantly, "Hey.... What are you doing? Go sleep on the couch!"

But obviously that strength of his had started giving me nightmares. So he grabbed my waist before I could jump out off the bed and replied in that annoyingly calm voice of his,

"I don't feel comfortable on the couch."

I started wriggling to get up but he had a strong grip on my waist which did not let me to get up.

"Okay. Then let me get up. I will go and sleep on the couch." I replied adamantly, still trying to get out of his grip.

"No. You are sleeping here with me."

I tried to protest again and started wriggling harder in his hold but he continued talking,

"Hush now. If you don't want to sleep then all you need to do is say the word. I have other very, very interesting and arousing ideas to spend the night and truthfully, that continously squirming arse of yours is making me forget all about sleeping."

His teasing words hushed me instantly & my body stilled like an rock the next second.

I frowned. What is the fucking cause of that dominant personality problem with the Alphas?

After a few minutes my body left the stiffness and my eyes started drifting to sleep, I heared his voice calling my name softly,


"Yeah?" I asked drowsily.

"What did you mean when you said that you are ready to go through the pain of rejection 'Once Again' ?"

My body went still completely and my heart started thudding in my chest. I did not want him to know. I did not know why but I just didn't want him to know. So I lied through my teeth while still pretending to sleep,

"I... I don't know wha.. what you're talking about."

"Did someone break your heart? Did someone reject you?"

"I don't know what you wanna know. I'm tired. Le.. Let me sleep." I stayed glued to my lie.

He sighed in my neck but didn't say anything for a minute but then I heared his determined voice,

"You don't trust me enough to tell me. It's okay."

I relaxed. I just wanted him to drop the topic but it was just for a moment of false relaxation when he started talking again,

"But don't think even for one second that I'm gonna let it go. I'll find out and that too, very soon. I'm going to find out the reson behind your distrust towards me and the reson of why you don't want me as your mate."

This was our 'After Dinner Bed Conversation' which flew the sleep from my eyes.

But remembering all this really made me feel queasy and exhausted. So threw dirt on every sensible part of me and I went straight to sleep in Mace's arms.

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