Chapter 1

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The Endless Abyss was a critical scene, the most critical in his entire work. It was THE scene which would set up the future and the Stallion-Novel-Protagonist for his quest for revenge and to get his harem of hundreds of beautiful wives. That his existence, the famous Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky, inside of Shang Qinghua would change things, was clear, even for him. He was in this body and he knew everything about what would happen and there were already some differences towards the book he had written. And the more he heard from the changes of Shen Qingqiu, after he fell ill, the more he suspected he wasn't alone in transmigrating inside his novel. But evidence ... was difficult to gather and he wouldn't want to risk more run-ins with Shen Qingqiu. He was unpleasant, at least the original. Because of the changes that already happened, he wasn't really surprised that Mobei-Jun was now here, stepping out of the Endless Abyss and addressing mostly Luo Binghe. Instead of a Black Moon Phyton Rhinoceros. It was strange witnessing something that was definitely not canon in person.

At least 'witnessing' so far it was possible for him, after his king had thrown him away with a swish from his demonic qi and he pretended to be unconscious. It was more of a show than anything. He was only unconscious for a brief moment of time at least, but then he was all ears. Mobei-jun and Shen Qingqiu were fighting at first, then his king and Luo Binghe. Shang Qinghua gazed through slightly lifted lids at the scene unfolding. A ray of red energy was hitting Luo Binghe, and a very faded stray ray of magic certainly aimed not at Shang Qinghua was hitting him? What was going on here? It was demonic magic. It was the one Mobei-Jun used lift the seal on Luo Binghe's demonic blood. But why was he getting hit by it too?! Shang Qinghua swallowed hard. His blood seemed to boil, and he felt a desire to do something. Restlessness consumed him, and it was hard to play unconscious. It was as if the rising power he felt in him wanted an out. It was so unusual to feel this strength in qi, demonic qi at that, and then it clashed down on him, as his two qi's tried to coexist together, and then his normal qi got overpowered. He gasped and rolled himself into a ball. Shivering under the inner turmoil. It hurt and his ears rang. Shang Qinghua wasn't the focus of attention and he was very, very glad about it, was the last thought he had caught before everything slowly faded out. The last of what he noticed until he really fell unconscious for however long.

Slowly, he was slipping into consciousness again. He laid on a bed. The sheets felt clean and soft, the bed familiar. It was his own on An Ding Peak and he wasn't alone. Next to him was Mu Qingfang holding onto his wrist, feeling out his qi. A shiver ran over Shang Qinghua's body and he dazedly looked at his shidi. He felt incredibly weak at the moment. Something was wrong, but he couldn't pin it down. Slowly he remembered the hit of the magic from Mobei-Jun and he swallowed down, his throat sore. It felt like a desert.

"What's wrong with me, shidi?" He carefully asked after a few failed attempts. "I was watching over shixiong for a few days now, and this one assumes Shang Qinghua was exposed to some magic that awakened sleeping demon-heritage in your blood. Now it's trying to get out, in the process weakening you... It seems to be stronger than your normal qi and that's not good. Unbalanced and maybe dangerous. I looked into some help with that, but your case is unique and I only found one method to help you with it." Shang Qinghua was staring at his brother and an inner turmoil in his head was playing.
GREAT. A plotline I stamped down now emerged, to only get in my way. Why did he cut down plotlines all the time, only to get hit in the back by them? In an early draft, Shang Qinghua was a half demon, but he never specifically mentioned what sort of demon. And now his weak cultivation was the reason his demonic qi was too strong for him to handle. Until he found a way to do so. But this bore more risks than anything else, especially because it was so rare. Shang Qinghua stared at Mu Qingfang and sighed heavily. His head still hurt, and he felt like falling unconscious yet again.

"What is this method?" He slowly asked, gathering some strength to look at his shidi. He needed to know. Shang Qinghua needed to be healthy and as strong as possible so he could be of use for Morbei-Jun and good at that. His life depended on it." I can seal it away every day. You have to use a potion infused with qi from someone else, and this person must be present to stabilize the demonic qi points that interfere with your other qi. It's rather experimental, but this one is very sure that it will work. And this one gladly wants to help you with that. I know you getting born with this was not your decision." Shang Qinghua gaped at him. This was no small decision. Mu Qingfang would daily use a portion of his qi to help Shang Qinghua with this distressing condition. And he still couldn't really wrap his head around it. But the option before him was a good one. Just get the treatment and ignore it! This sounded easy enough.

"It's only an experiment. I never really did something like this before and I only read about it in an ancient scroll I stumbled upon. But the other option... is seeing you fade away until you die, at least to my knowledge. I am no expert in that field. And this one doesn't want that. Maybe a demon...." Shang Qinghua, weakly waving a hand, didn't want to hear further words concerning potential demons knowing how to help him, and he simply nodded. He felt still weak and dizzy, so he wasn't any help to anyone and if Mobei-Jun emerged from the shadows again to demand his service... he couldn't decline his king or this option, and certainly couldn't ask Monei-Jun about his condition. Provoking his rage, getting beaten up even more only to get discarded earlier, because he was now an inconvenience, with this heritage, that tried to kill him.

"Please don't speak with anyone about this." Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky was seething at himself, at his past self and cursing the system to implement a SCRATCHED draft! The problem was... it was a draft that never had mentioned more than that Shang Qinghua's mother had something with a demon. The fans back then weren't so fond of interesting backgrounds for 'scum villains', so he never wrote more about it. So it was to him now, to find out what demon exactly had screwed his mother and left him with some troublesome heritage. IF he had the time.... FUCK. System I hate you.
[I am just here to make this novel more interesting!]
Shang Qinghua scoffed at it in his head.

"I will try my best to be at service as An Ding Peak Lord, to help the sect as best as possible. This one humbly begs for Mu Qingfang's understanding of the situation. I don't want to be exposed to some demon qi, blood... heritage and also of the loathing from his fellow peak lords." Shang Qinghua tried miserably to sit up in his bed and it took almost all his remaining strength to bow as best as possible in his position. A soothing hand was placed on his shoulder.
"No Worries." Mu Qingfang smiled. "This one is glad to help and find out about shixiongs condition." Shan Qinghua nodded, smiled weakly and then he slowly got fed the mentioned potion. The thing tasted... a little disgusting, but he felt an instant improvement in his condition. Also his shidi was holding his wrist again, this time heavily concentrating as he fed a steady stream from his own qi, to gather on some cross points in Shang Qinghua, The An Ding Peak Lord slowly breathed out and his tense muscles relaxed after the pain and the constant onslaught slowly got better, until it completely vanished." Thank you, Mu Qingfang. To be this weak and now depending on you... every day? I am sorry."

Mu Qingfang only smiled a little. "Please, don't overthink it. It bothers me that not only you but also Shen Qingqiu depends now on my help. I will find ways to improve your health. But until then, be patient." Shang Qinghua looked his shidi up and down and then nodded.
"I will help find a solution." He smiled at the other Peak Lord, who finally stood." I will instruct someone to bring you some food and tea, so you will be ready to face your daily routine again. Please get some further rest." Shang Qinghua didn't waste any time he got to further improve his health! He shamelessly used as much time as possible to lounge about and avoid any duty. And he was almost happy that his king spared him a little from his presence, to recover.

It's from my account on another site.

My Sweet (CURSED) Demon HeritageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora