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I looked across from me and saw Dani and H

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I looked across from me and saw Dani and H.E.R, both fast asleep and leaning on each other. We had just taken off not even thirty minutes ago and they were already sleep.

I shook my head with a quiet laugh as a attendant came to our area.

"Hello ladies, would you like anything to drink or snack on for the time being?" She asked Taraji and I with a smile.

"Just some water for me." I said before glancing at T.

"Hot coffee for me, with french vanilla creamer if you have it please." She said with a tired smile causing the attendant to nod and walk away.

"Wish I could sleep like them two." I mumbled making her laugh.

"Right I wish. God hopefully we have time to get settled before going straight to the set." She said with a sigh and eye roll.

"We should be able to. We're going to the same place so we can just leave when we land." I replied as I gestured to the four of us.

"Thank God we got an airbnb. These Atlanta hotels are outrageous." She says making me nod.

"And the fact we have to pay for them is even more outrageous but I digress." I replied as I got comfortable in my seat.

"You bout to bust out these sweats aintchu?" Taraji playfully asked as she pulled the fabric of my sweatpants a little.

"I can't help I'm cornbread fed. Take that up with my mama and Jesus." I joked making her laugh.

"So Jesus is the reason why these look painted on?" She asked doing her signature eyebrow raise.

"Yes because he made me thicker than a cold bowl of grits. I didn't ask for this!" I playfully exclaim making her slap my arm while laughing.

"Not a cold bowl of grits, girl you are crazy!" She laughed while shaking her head. The attendant came back with our drinks, handing them to us before walking off once again.

My phone chimed catching my attention, we briefly paused the conversation to check our phones. I had a message request on instagram, I get them everyday but something deep down told me to open this one.

I went to my requests on instagram and read the preview of the message.

"I know you fucking lying." I mumbled causing Taraji to look over at me. I clicked on the message and turn my phone showing it to her.

"Oh my god." Was all she could utter. Her face showing more shock than I expect so I turned my phone back to my face and saw the entire message and photo.

"I know that ain't a man laid up with my husband." I said staring at my phone.

"I just know. I just know." I hissed with anger, closing my eyes as I tried to calm myself down.

Before I could count to ten another message came through, this one being an audio of something. I set my phone down on the table and rummaged through my pockets looking for my airpods.

I went to look in my bag but Taraji held up her headphones to me causing me to look up. I quickly thanked her for them and connected them to my phone to listen to the voice message. Upon playing it I immediately heard Kendall's voice.

"Baby I'm just asking for a little more time." He pleaded making the other person scoff.

"You've been asking me for a little more time since Dallas was six Ken. How much more fucking time do you need?!" Someone said in anger.

"At least until the movie comes out." He said in desperation.

"So Christmas Day? Its November third and you want me to wait till Christmas day?" The other voice asked in disbelief.

"She comes home a few days before that but yes. I'll tell her before then and get the papers drawn up. Just be patient with me baby, I promise by New Year's Day I'll be all yours." Kendall said softly before the audio stopped.

I took the headphones out of my ears and sat there in complete shock. My chest tightened and my eyes got watery as everything began to set in.

My husband of eight years, has been cheating on me, with a man, for almost half that time.

"Tasia, baby take a deep breath for me." I heard Taraji say. It sounded like I was underwater, everything sounded muffled as my ears started ringing.

Tears finally flowed down my cheek as I closed my eyes. I began rocking back and forth while rubbing my hands on my thighs to calm myself down. I repeated that motion for a while before finally wiping my eyes and giving Taraji her headphones back.

"Tai." She said softly.

"Not here T. Just wait till we land please?" I asked clearing my throat as my voice slightly cracked.

She sighed but nodded before grabbing my hand and holding it tightly in hers. I used my free hand to swipe out of instagram and lock my phone before turning to face her more.

She did the same and turned in her seat to face me more before taking my other hand and holding it as well. She played with the jewelry on my hands and wrists as I watched getting lost in my thoughts.

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