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i woke up because of the alarm clock i was about to reach it and throw it but damn!! i cant reach it

fucking small hand

i got up and do wash my face and walk downstairs and there i saw my mother so busy i walk towards her

"goodmorning sweetheart" she said and kiss my cheek i reply 'goodmorning'

"do we have visitors?"  i ask curiously

"no darling i just want to held a small party, girls party to be precise" i nodded

boring party

"where is gramps?" i ask again

"his in the garden right now" i nod and walk towards the garden and there i was my grandfather busy watering his orchids

"gramps!" he stop what he was doing and look at me he motion me to move towards him

"what is my precious dumpling want hmm" i smiled at him and shool my head  i look at the plant he was watering and frown

"it looks like it was about to die". i said and reach out the orchids to study it

"ahh looks like my granddaughter knows about it can you help grandpa?" his old face was full of expectation i nod and started studying it


after a half hour studying i finally figured it out looks like it's just because of some insects and to much sun exposure

i sat up and look up gramps

"gramps you just need to clean it and water it every five hourse is good" grandpa sigh in relief

"good² I'll follow your order"


the hours went by so fast and I'm now Seating with the girls who is so noisy

"ohh  lady alamea I heard that you just recovered from some accident" I look at the girl who look like some innocent and soft type girl


"yes your right" i said and take a sip in my juice. i really dont like pleasing people but unfortunately the real owner of this body those

like hell why would i please them when I'm higher than them tsk

it's just that the owner of this body is so eager to have some 'friends'

"oh i heard that it's the head, i hope it's wasn't 'shaken' by the impact" i raise my brow and look at the girl with a short hair

"yeahh after all miss alamea is to be called as a 'prodigy'" the innocent girl said again with a 'worried' expression

green tea bitch

"thank you for you concerns but even if my brain don't work  i still have my beauty" i said and smile gracefully at them i saw some disgust flash in the girls eyes

tsk this jealous monkeys


new update,🫶🫶


Reincarnation series 1: the male leads spoiled sister Where stories live. Discover now