🌸Confession 🌸

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"Wake up, Bunny. We're here," Yuji's voice gently nudged you awake. As you stirred, blinking your eyes to focus, you saw him stretching after being cramped in the car.

"Finally," Sukuna chimed in, smirking. "You sure can snore, there's even some drool on your face."
You wiped the side of your cheek. "Stop lying. I don't snore. Is it true yuji is the drool on my face? Did I snore?" you panicked, feeling your face for wetness as you sat up.

"No there's not bunny and you didn't . He's just messing with. You looked really cute when you were asleep," Yuji reassured. You smiled at him, thankful that he defended you.

Your head jerked in Sukuna's direction and were going to curse him out. But, you held your tongue.

"Come on, let's go."

Still a bit groggy , you nodded and followed Yuji and Sukuna towards the elevator. The soft hum of the underground parking garage echoed around you. The boys chatted about basketball, and you listened, your mind still catching up from sleep as you rubbed your eyes.

As the elevator doors opened, revealing its sterile interior, Sukuna gestured for everyone to step in. The space was quiet except for the hum of the elevator ascending.

"So, Bunny, how've you been?" Sukuna asked, breaking the silence. You notice him turn his head to face you, but you pretended to not pay him any mind, and shifted slightly further away.

"She doesn't really wanna talk right now," Yuji mumbled, defending your lack of participation. Sukuna scoffed at his brother's comment.

"Hmm." That's his initial response.

The elevator ride continued, and soon enough, you arrived at the floor of Sukuna's apartment. Stepping out, you found yourself in a grand hallway adorned with all the fine embellishments, typical of a high-class establishment. Mahogany and marble-tiled floors, wood paneled ceilings, and expensive looking decorative accessories completed the luxurious ambiance.

"Wow, this place is something else," you remarked, taking in the stunning decor around you, eyeing the lighting fixtures hanging and suspended high on the walls.

"Yeah, it's alright," Sukuna said nonchalantly, leading the way down the corridor. His hands are stuffed into his sweats' pocket, his confident strides and masculine form causing the women that walk by to take notice and shamelessly stare and flaunt their goodies.

You rolled your eyes in annoyance, he had caught onto the stares of a couple ladies while the group was walking. A few even tried to shoot their shots by swaying their hips in Sukuna's line of view or toss hair.

He was a sight for any single lady to drool over, being famous has its perks, but if they weren't trying to fuck him for his looks, most likely his wealth. But being next to him and seeing how people react to him was intimidating to you.

Both brothers stood at over 6 feet tall, and in the corridor, so the two were hard to ignore. While your frame was small by comparison. Sukuna's body was chiseled muscle. Broad shoulders, strong chest, and thick legs. The tattoos that decorate his arms and shoulder are a stark contrast to his toned complexion. Meanwhile, Yuji's appearance was defined yet less muscular, his torso more lean, due to him being younger and not trained professionally to get buff, but rather a natural athletic build. Both brothers' frames were well proportioned and striking, easily capturing the attention of those around them.

Once Sukuna approached the apartment, he pulled out his keys and unlocked the door with a sharp click. Swinging the door open.

"Welcome to my crib, take your filthy shoes off before coming in," Sukuna declared with a smirk as the doors revealed the spacious and stylish, yet dirty apartment. The dirty dishes on the table and the littered clothes.

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