My Little Love Part 2

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"Fraud" Yanda said.

I gathered my body to sit straight,regardless of the dirt on the floor.

"Why do pretty girls like you do something so stupid?you could've done some bank corruption or a glitch of missing papers." She gave me a mean laugh.

If only she knew the whole story,her laugher would've quickly turned into pity.

"You wouldn't understand." Yanda said,resting her eyes.

"I understand very well. All of us are trying to secure the bread and this country is not doing a very good job in terms of helping us." Linda added.

"Like i said,you wouldn't understand." Yanda said.

I leaned on my back,thinking how can i get out of this dirty place.

"Look around you." She said,and as i scanned everyone minding their own business.

"Have you ever thought that one day you'll be here?at a female jail cell?" linda asked.

"No" Yanda said.

"We're troubled,we're suffering and the only way to resolve things is crime and violence. You'd find that some are actually good mothers but "wrong place and wrong time" type..." Linda said.

She then stood up and walked away from me,I needed some space to think anyways. To actually try and get a clear understanding... maybe just maybe all of this is a terrible dream.

Every moment with my husband,James Sibeko played like a movie inside my head,loud on speakers.

"Baby where did we go wrong?what happened to us?" I asked,with a glass of water in front of me. My breathing wasn't according so i helped myself with glass of water incase i faint.

"I have to go baby" he said,kissing my cheek and acted as if he never heard me speak.

"Baby?Baby please can we talk?" I asked nicely like asking a kid to do a simple chore at the age of 4 with a smile on your face.

He sat down with me and put his phone aside to focus on this conversation.

"Do you still love me?" I asked.

"What does it look like?abuse?" He asked.

In reality i wiped my tears in shame,how could i not see the signs?Was it that worth it?was I that stupidly blind?

Everyone was holding their breath,looking so miserable but who would be jolly stuck in a place where it's unpleasant including the smell.

Like a dead dog,pee and under arms "amakhwapha" in isiZulu. Different types smells combined all together to create something horrible.

I couldn't see the time but what Thab'sile had told me,it was 18:00pm because she needed to talk to me. Again this police or guard took me to this place where you're allowed to talk to your loved one.

She could've told me that Mom was coming,i just saw her sat next to Thab'sile and the look in her eyes was dead but felt remorseful.

As a mother seeing your child in jail is heartbreaking. I walked faster and gave her a hug that bought all the warnings and cries we both had.

She wipes my tears and kisses my cheeks. The guard wasn't having it,he quickly broke the hug and the excitement of seeing one another and that's when we both took a seat.

"Mntanami(My child)." She held her mouth while Thab'sile wiped her tears off.

"Ngyaxolisa Mah,ngyaxolisa. Cela ung'xolele(I'm sorry Mah,I'm sorry. Please forgive me)" i said with a shakey voice.

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