everyone at the gym seemed at least somewhat bulky, meanwhile he was slim. there was also very pretty girls with firm builds there too. johnnie would be lying if he didn't feel a little self conscious right now.

he just wanted to shrivel up and die, right now.

but instead jake started talking to him. "i'm actually so glad you came with me man, you don't understand how boringgg these past few days have been."

"it's no problem, really" he murmured. jake noticed his tone was off, "are you okay?"

"yeah i'm just tired"

jake shook him off a bit and put down the weights, already a bit sweaty. he took a drink of his water and then just casually stripped off his tank.

johnnie had to advert his eyes, because damn! suddenly the room increased by 20 degrees in temperature. he was incredibly thankful for the amount of foundation he packed onto his face.

jake looked at him, "did you do your eyeliner today?" he was curious and decided to ask. "uh- yeah. is it bad?"

"no, no, you look pretty..." he trailed off before realizing,

"-good, pretty good!" jake tried to save himself there, no way in hell he just admitted he found his best friend pretty. stunning even. fuck did he really think that? no he's just tired.

johnnie laughed a bit, "thank you" he'd be lying if he wasn't completely red by now. he was starting to doubt the powers of his foundation.

but jake turned back to what he was doing, so johnnie was in the clear. that was until some girl approached him.

"hey, uh, not to be weird or anything but i noticed you have a huge bottle of water, and i forgot mine at home. do you mind if i waterfall from it?"

okay well, first of all, that sounded extremely wrong from the start. and maybe the end, johnnie doesn't know. all he cares is that this girl is gorgeous and jakes type, acknowledging him, he's shirtless in front of her too, he may add.

"oh, yeah. i don't mind.. thanks for asking" he laughed a bit, "it'd be weird if you didn't"

she laughed as well, "right right, imagine if i came over and just completely snatched it from you without saying a word, you'd probably be extremely confused"

"oh for sure"

the girl drank some of the water, while water-falling of course, and had thanked him. "thank you, it means a lot to me."

"no problem, if you ever need to borrow anything from me just let me know."

fuck, why would jake say that. it made johnnie extremely jealous and he was embarrassed about how much this was bothering him.

"could i borrow that number, too? if you know what i mean"

he laughed, "smooth.. smooth. sure, why not?" they exchanged numbers and at some point johnnie got up from the nearby bench he was on, heading to the washrooms.

the girl headed back, silently wondering what happened to the guys friend but decided to not say anything.

"yo, dude, did you just see my rizz?" he laughed, to be met with no reply.

"johnnie?" he questioned, turning around to see the older male had disappeared.

he'll probably be back in a minute, jake thought. but oh, he wasn't.

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