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What they would do when you feel low.


Lofe - Asks if you wanna talk about it. If you do want to talk about it, he would listen to you and try to help you if he can. If you don't want to talk about it, he'll try to make you feel better. He would talk to you about different things to try and distract you for some time at least, or/and watch movies/series cuddling with you.

Baylen - He would notice quickly your mood. Asks if you're okay and if something's bothering you; if you want to talk about it he will listen and hug you. To make you feel better he would take you out to eat wings, bring you to record a video with him if you're feeling like it, or just chill at home and do whatever you want.

Kyle - He worries a lot about you, so he quickly notices your change in mood. He gives you a long hug and asks what's wrong. Takes you out to buy some snacks and candy, does movie marathons with you and hugs you a lot. And if you like he goes with you on a walk to watch the sunset or a late car ride to wherever you like; even if it's nowhere.

D'Aydrian - He notices your strangeness later on when he's with you, like he confirms you don't feel right until after a while while he's with you. He tries to make you laugh or smile doing jokes or silly acts like he always does either it's in public or private. He buys you candies and your favorite snacks. He asks if you wanna go out or if you wanna stay in. If you wanna go out, he takes you anywhere you like and spoils you; even if you say no. And if you wanna stay in, he offers activities you can do, like cooking together, watching movies/series, just talking with each other or enjoying each others company, etc...


took my time with this one 💀 (stayed floating in my drafts for more than a month)
sorry D'Adrian's hc is longer than the others

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 26 ⏰

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