Evil Minions

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The elevator stopped on the floor. We got out of the elevator and went down the hall. We saw a machine that looked like a magnet then we heard a voice "You have not lost your- my friend." we turned around to see the man "Ah ha I knew it you are El Macho."

"That's right!" "Nobody believed me But I knew you weren't dead." I gave a side eye to Gru when he said it was only him. I knew it as well. I didn't want to be in the conversation at the time. "Of course not, I merely faked my death."

He started to walk us down further down the hall. "Now it's time for me to make a spectacular return to evil. Doctor, it's time we tell Mr. Gru and Ms. Gru what we're up to here."

We were both shocked it was Dr. Nefario and he was working for him. "Dr. Nefario?" "Nice to see you Gru."

Gru was more shocked but I wasn't surprised cause he said he was going to work with a villain. "So this is your new job opportunity." Gru is still in shock "Absolutely you're gonna like this."

Nefario went to push a button and on the stage, there was a rising purple hair but when it fully revealed it showed purple minions. "sorry I had to borrow some of your minions but it was for a worthy cause." I look at the minion feeling bad because it was Kevin and he looks so messed up with this form "Oh Kevin."

he cringes out of disgust. "He's not Kevin anymore now he is an indestructible mindless killing machine." the purple Kevin shouts which freaks out Macho to make him back up from him.

he goes to a T.V. screen and pushes a button "Just watch this." There was a gun shooting the minion but it made no effects and then a flame thrower but it still made no effects only it being burnt.

Then there was an ax that hit its head but they ate it like it was nothing. They threw a bomb in his mouth which it ate and only made a small explosion in his stomach. Then they brought a police car on top of it but the minions ate it like a sandwich.

"Here's the best part: I got an army of them." They beamed bright light to a spot to show purple minions in cages which made me think this was a horror movie. I looked at Gru to see his face and his face had a terrific face he was scared of.

"So I will unleash them on the world and anyone. anyone tries to stop them. Wow, they might get eaten! we can do it together."

we both looked at him shocked "Together." we both said "Together I have admired both of your works for years amigo stealing the moon. Are you kidding we would be unstoppable. Men and women like you. Men like me should be ruling the world! So are you both joining."

Then Nefaro came out of nowhere and shot confetti and said "Whoo." We were both shocked at this. Gru looked at me and back to them "Yeah probably." he grabbed my hand and went further away from them "Probably."

"I mean yes of course yes I just have a lot going on right now I just need to get some things off my plate. Before we start taking over the world that's all." "Excuse me."

We were close to the elevator. I watched Gru with a hand on my face embarrassed by his excuse of not being in this situation. "no. no, forget it 100% I mean I think what you hear that I do at Texas calling me from Monty sir."

We were now in the elevator being close. Gru was trying to push a button but it opened again "totally." then it shut again. We were now out of the elevator and were going to search for the kids to get out of there.

I saw Agnes and Edith in the Pinata area but not Margo. Gru was calling them while he did that Edith hit him with a bat she looked up and took the blindfold "Opp. sorry."

"We have to go home now. Where Margo." I looked everywhere and I saw Margo wearing a chip hat and looking gloomy just like Gru.

Gru looked at where I was looking and saw her "Margo!" he went to her "Come on." he leaned close to her getting in the height "What's wrong." she responded, "I hate boys."

She stared at her emo ex dancing with another girl. "Yes they stink, Honey we gotta go." he took her hand while I held on to Agnes and Edith's.

I saw him pull his freeze gun and blast it toward the couple but it was mostly on the emo boy. I laugh a bit happy at how much he cares for his kids. We started to drive home.


POV Lucius

I got to the party. I looked around to see if (Reader) was still. I walk around in this crowded area "Oops! Sorry."

Then I saw a chicken which made me gasp. The chicken went toward me but he stopped and was hitting my shoes with his pecker. "Hey! Polliot, what's the matter."

I look up to see Macho "Oh, her, Eduardo!" he looks at me "Lucia, I apologize. Polliot he usually not like this. The same thing happened the other day with Gru, and..."

"Oh, speaking of Gru have you seen (Reader) I need to talk to her." "Yes, I think she's somewhere around. You two are close."

he started to push me somewhere "Oh I don't know. I mean close I wouldn't say we were close. Why did she say we were close? Did she say that?"

"It's more what he didn't say. For instance, she never mentioned that you were both working for the Anti-Villain League."He then showed me the chicken in front of my face that had my card showing my picture and my license of me being the AVL which made me shocked at how he figured it out and grabbed my license.

He took my arm and said, "You're coming with me." I shouted "Hey!"

Dr. Nefario POV

I was wearing my hat and drinking some pineapple. I look over to see Macho taking a young woman who kept on talking about (Reader). "Crikey!" I rushed to get to my lab and started to make an antidote. I hope I can make it in time to save the kids and the Gru's.

(1106 Words)

Male! Lucy Wilde x Reader GruWhere stories live. Discover now