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Yuujirou just woke up. He rubbed eyes and lazily stretched. Another day of his life. He looked at the phone. Time right now is 7 AM. He tries to remember what he must do today. Oh, right, high school. He has some time to do morning preparations and get ready. Fortunately, they don't have any live shows assigned in the near future. Yuujirou moved into the bathroom, washed his face then proceeded to the kitchen. Mom, Tae Someya, was there washing some dishes. She is one of the most important people in his life. No matter what Yuujirou did, she always tried to support and help him in any way possible. He is very happy to see her everyday.

"Morning, mom". Yuujirou greeted his mom

"Morning, Yuujirou, breakfast on the table" Tae answered, without distracting from her doing

Yuujirou hummed and began eating his breakfast. The breakfast is nothing special, tamagoyaki and rice. Yuujirou was a picky eater, but with this long time passed, his mother perfectly knew what he liked.

On the way to school Yuujirou met Aizou. This isn't something unusual, they often go to school together. Since when did it happen? Yuujirou offered this idea after Countdown Live. After all this can't cause any problems, because they are unitmates. For example, if Yuujirou had walked with a girl to school, it would look very suspicious. From that thought alone, he felt disgust.

"Good morning, Yuujirou," Aizou said in a bit of a sleepy voice.

"Morning, Aizou" And so they began moving.

"What lessons do we have?" Yuujirou asked.

"Well, the first is Japanese, if I remember correctly". Akechi-sensei's lesson isn't very difficult, he is well-considered to them being idols and closes eyes for some things.

In the school, they sat as usual. Girls instantly circled them near their seats.

How annoying, these fans, sigh..

Hiyori also was sitting, writing something in her notebook. She looked very concentrated.

Suzumi is busy too, no making fun, I guess

Yuujirou looked at Aizou. Aizou looked like he had fun. But Yuujirou knows that look on his face, it's full of tiredness and hate for girls. One of the things that Yuujirou can be proud of is that he knows perfectly how his partner feels just by looking at him.

This must be very difficult for him to handle, but I think he is more tough than before.

Bell rang and the lesson began. Akechi sensei was in his usual clothing. Lab coat, the mystery no one solved yet.

"Someya and Shibasaki, visit me after the lesson" Akechi said, while organizing his desk.

"Interesting, why did he call us, what do you think?" Aizou asked Yuujirou while looking at him. "I don't think it's something urgent. And judging by his tone, he isn't in bad mood" Yuujirou noticed, but didn't show it

Why he stares at me

They entered the room. Akechi was sitting in his usual place, with candy in mouth. "Ah, it's you, I've been waiting for you two. Please take a seat, " Akechi said as he pointed at the chairs.

Yuujirou and Aizou sat on their chairs. The atmosphere felt a bit tense

"I want to advise you to join the club. For some time you were in "Go home club", but it's time to change things."

"Club activity? We don't have enough time," Yuujirou protested. Aizou silently nodded to this exclamation.

"But club activity is also a part of school life. You can select any of your likes, so consider my advice" Akechi said and stood up from his chair. He just left them two alone. After a bit of silence, they decided to go out of the room.

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