Chapter 7 - Break The Walls

Start from the beginning

"Both of your parents are amazing, whoever wins, let's just be proud of them, okay?" well said, Abi. We watched as our parents were dancing like a walrus got hit by a fish. Me, Cassie and Abi laughed and cheered for them.

There's this one dance move that dad did. Omg, I can't even. It makes me want to scream 'I DON'T KNOW HIM!!!'. I laughed as he did that go-to dance move. I can't even. 

"Your dad's so cool, Jessy!!!" Cassie said while laughing. I smiled "Yeah, well I don't see him like that everyday". I feel a little embarrassed but still proud. 

"GO DAD!!!!!!" I cheered for him. The other students cheered for him too after I shouted. I like how everyone's enjoying this. I can't stop smiling. 

Sooner or later, my parents won. How? Audience impact, baby!!! 

"That was awesome Mr. and Mrs. Roland!" Cassie told them. 

"yeah" Abi joined in.

"Well, we're glad for your support, Cassie and Abi" dad said patting both of their heads. 

"You three should go bond, we would like to get to know your parents too, you know" mom winked. I nodded and went with these two.

"And then mom was like 'are you serious, Abi? you won't get a boyfriend with that!' and I let out a shrug after that" me and Cassie laughed at Abi's story. We were talking about us and our parents. We were also having fun. 

"Look Jessy!!! Cotton candy!!!" Cassie pointed out to the cotton candy stand. Normally I would always disagree on buying stuff for my best buds. But, since I kind of change, I couldn't say no to this adorable one. 

"YAY!!!" she yelled after I gave her one stick. I also bought one for Abi. 

"Thanks Jess". "No problem" I smiled. 

"You know, Jessy, that was some deep conversation last night" thank you Cas for bringing that up again. 

"Yeah, have you talked to Laura about it yet?" Abi asked. Now that I think of it, I never saw Laura recently. And I was looking forward to meet her parents. 

"Ummm... thanks guys but I gotta go find her" I said. 

"Go get your girl, Jessy!!!" I rolled my eyes at Cassie. And ran.

The next challenge is the Family Race. It's going to be like a marathon, they said. I was still loking for Laura. Then, someone hugged behind me. 

"Hey babe"

"LUKE!!!" I turned around and hugged him back tightly. 

"I watched your parents. They were awesome!!!" he said. 

"Thanks. Where are your parents?" I asked. 

"Probably out there enjoying themselves, but I'll get back to them soon." he replied. 

"I see" I nodded. I suddenly turned my head, and looked around. 

"You looking for Laura?" he asked. How did he... 

"She's sitting somewhere near the finish line of the family race."

I kissed Luke on the cheek "Thanks Lucas". 

"No problem. And you have to hurry. One, Laura might have been dealing with some sh*t. Two, the race is about to start" he stated. I nodded in return.

I ran towards the finish line. I looked around, she's still nowhere in sight. 

Why am I even bothering to look for her? She's not that special. But my body says go. My brain says go. My heart says go. Go look for Laura. 

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