chapter 1 / the beginning

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It was 2 weeks after I got the invitation.

"Okay Summer,have a nice camping trip and don't catch a cold I once got one when I was camping and it wasn't that nice.Anywas see you in 2 weeks.",My mom said to me while almost startig tearing up.

"Mom,don't be sad I'm coming back very soon. It's just for 2 weeks.I'll promise you If I have net outside there I'm trying to call you or send you a message. See you soon.",I said.

I got into the bus that was once surprisingly the opposite of very crowded. There were just 4 other passengers inside there.
I chose myself a place where to sit and started listening music.

~Two hours later~

I finally arrived and went outside the bus. Suddenly I saw the 4 other girls again. "Have they also gotten an invitation",I asked myself.

I took a breath of the fresh air. It was great.

We went to the camping area.
There the owner of the camp welcomed us.

He said due to safety reasons we need to pair up and at least be 2 people per tent.

The other girls seemed to not know each other so it was a bit awkward.
I asked the girl who was standing next to me if she wanted to pair up with me and she agreed.

It took us almost an hour to build the tent since it was not that small.
Then we started to put our stuff inside it.

It was almost dark outside but luckily we brought some flashlights.

I got sleepy so I decided to call my mom since I promised her to call her when I have net.
But sadly there was no net. I only was able to call the ambulance.
So I put my phone away.

"By the way what's your name? I'm Summer.",I said.
"My name is Giselle. Nice to meet you.",she said.
"Nice to meet you!", I said.

a mysterious camping trip / an aespa ffWhere stories live. Discover now