"Well, in a sense he is not wrong" started Hotch meeting his colleague's eyes.

"What do you mean?

-Were we more useful sitting at the precinct and waiting for them or Garcia? The only times we can hope to get additional information and add up to the profile is when we uncover another abduction or body. This case is just messed-up".

Emily did not say any word. She was just looking at her boss and friend, surprised to hear those words coming out of his mouth. Of course, it was messed-up. All of their cases were. But there was something particular with this one.

She snapped out of her thoughts and directed back her gaze to the window when she felt the car stopped. They had arrived to yet another one of the houses they had to control.

The house was less isolated than the previous one. It was within a charming neighbourhood with a small garden in the front covered in bright green grass and pink flowers. Both agents made their way to the doors and Aaron knocked.

They were surprised to see a young boy, probably between the age of 20 and 25 open the door. He looked pale and skinny, also pretty shy.

"Hello, we're Agent Hotchner and Prentiss with the FBI. Are you Gary Moses?

-Uhm, the FBI?" the boy asked not sure why they were knocking at his door. "I'm Parker. Gary is taking a nap" he started not sure of what he should be doing nor saying.

"We have a few questions for him, can we please come in, and wait for him to wake up?" asked Prentiss in a motherly voice which made Aaron looked at her.

"Uhm, sure come on in" Parker said leading both agents inside the house. "Please have a sit" he said designating the sofa. I will go and try to wake him up".

Neither Prentiss nor Hotch said a word. They were contemplating the house, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Parker came back to the room with two glasses of water that he gave to the agents.

"There you go". Emily thanked him quietly. "He told me you could come, I can show you the way to his room

-Ok then" said the brunette while starting to follow the young boy.

As they were leaving the living room and passing in front of the front door, still opened, they heard a scream from outside "Help! Somebody help please!".

All three of them stopped. This was a man screaming which told immediately Hotch that it was not their latest victim Samantha. Yet they had to make sure everything was fine.

"You go there see Gary and I'll go see what is happening" said Hotch reaching for his gun. Prentiss nodded and turned to Parker. "Let's go, I am sure it's nothing serious" she said trying to sound reassuring.

"When Hotch stepped out of the house he saw a man with brown-greyish hairs on the sidewalk looking with big eyes at him. "Help!" he screamed another time, while looking around the neighbourhood as if he was looking for and expecting someone else to hear him.

Hotch ran towards him. "Sir, please calm down" he started.

"You! You were breaking into my brother's house!" the man said out loud, taking a few steps back from Hotch.

"Get out or I call the cops" he continued.

"Sir, please calm down. I am Aaron Hotchner with the FBI. We are here to ask your brother a few questions. Parker opened the door to us. My colleague Agent Prentiss is inside with him and Gary now. We are just here to talk".

The man in front of him started to look less frightened.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry" he then said laughing nervously. "How stupid of me.. I just thought. Nevermind, we just had some robbery in the area these past few months" he stopped meeting Hotch sterned gaze.

"Should we go inside and meet with your colleague then" he said pointing at the door. Aaron nodded and followed him back to the house.

A few minutes ago

Prentiss followed Parker down a corridor. The latter opened the door to a small room, letting Prentiss go in first.

"He just went to the bathroom real quick, he'll be out in a second" he said. Prentiss passed in front of Parker and walked into the bedroom. Everything was dark, the blinds were still closed probably due to Gary's nap, and it smelled like the window had not been opened for quite a while. However, she did not had the time to continue surveying the room she was in. Next thing she knew is that she felt two arms pulling her from behind and covering her nose and mouth with a soaked handkerchief making it impossible for her to scream. She tried to fight her ways out of it and reached for her gun, but her vision was getting blurry. The more she was fighting it, the worst it was getting. In a few seconds she was completely helpless and could feel all of her strength leave her body. Last thing she heard was a "shhh" in her ear before everything went pitch black.

Aaron followed theguy inside. A bad feeling came over him as he found the house awfully quiet. Heinstinctively put his hand on his weapon and moved towards the corridor thatled to Gary's bedroom. However, he could only take one step before being hit hardon the back of the head. The blow was enough to send him to the ground,stunned. He tried to get-up while regaining his composure but felt a second blowbefore fainting.  

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