Chapter 2

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"Garcia, could you please look for all reported cases of torture of animals, especially domestic animals. Please look also for teenagers or young boys born and raised in Denver, not only adult male. The unsub probably started at a young age.

-He also knew Tommy from Phoenix, so please try to cross check the names you get with the ones who could have had a work assignment, lived or just travelled several times to Arizona. We need to find how these two met" added Morgan.

"I am on it sir". And with that she hung up.

A minute later and the police chief officer barged it: "Agent Hotchner, we just have another woman reported missing from yesterday midnight. This could be our unsub".

His lieutenant was following close behind him. "We may have a witness. Another woman who was passing by, heard a scream and saw a dark blue Ford pick-up. The vehicle cannot be identified, she could not see nor remember the plate. But I have here edited a list of all the people who live in the Denver suburb area based on your team geographic profile" the lieutenant said looking at Hotch and showing a paper to her manager. "All of them have a registered vehicle who matches the description".

Morgan grabbed the paper the Chief police department was handing him and looked confused. "You have almost 100 names on that list" he said.

"Yes. But if this is the only lead, we have for now, I will take it and try to bring Samantha home alive" he added. Hotch frowned.

"You cannot be sure this is the suspect car, this could be a loss of time" he carefully said.

"With all due respect sir, we are not moving forward with this case, and neither is your team since you got here. I got it, it is one of the most complex I have ever seen in this region, but I cannot sit and wait to find another dead body without at least trying. I will send my agents, by pair of two, to cover this list and pay a visit to all of the names on that list. If you agree to join us, we will be faster" he insisted still looking at Hotch.

Aaron was not sure of what to do. For him, this was not a good thing, and they will lose precious time. On the other hand, they were waiting for Garcia's feedback and still not going anywhere.

"Ok. Reid, Dave, I want you to stay here and keep digging as soon as Garcia comes back to you. JJ, Morgan will pair up to cover a few houses, and I will do the same with Prentiss.

-Thanks Agent" replied the head of Denver police in charge. "With your help, we can split the list. Each team of two will have to cover approximatively 15 identified suspects. Let's go". And with that he stormed out of the room, followed by his lieutenant and almost the whole precinct.

"I have a bad feeling about this" mumbled Morgan and looking at his teammates.

"Let's get on with it. The sooner we finish, the better we can focus on the unsub's profile and link with Tommy" affirmed Hotch exiting the room.


Almost three hours that the agents were knocking door to door and asking some questions of the car owners, looking around the property to see if anything suspicious came out.

Prentiss sighed while crossing one more name from their list. "Eight more to go" she said lowly as if she was speaking to herself.

"At least we've done half of it" replied Hotch. She turned her gaze to look at him. He looked serious, nothing unusual for Aaron Hotchner if you'd ask Prentiss or any member of that team. Yet she could feel he was also questioning this whole process.

"Isn't it incredibly wrong to send us out there questioning random people while a girl is missing" asked Emily. The brunette was not expecting any answer from Hotch. She was just tired of not going anywhere with that case and see the victims number increase.

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