Chapter 24

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Harvey woke up in a painful way. Awesome. Even better then that, she decided to wake up the house with a bloodcurtling scream.

"What's wrong?!" Shouted Oliver.

"My stomache! AAHGH!" Harvey screamed.

A gush of water fell from under her nightgown as she tried to stand up. Oliver looked terified. He'd gone threw this before.

But Owen, who'd just stumbled into the room, had not. He looked confused and scared.

"Did you just take a massive leak?" He asked.

"Her water broke, moron! She's going into labor!!" Oliver screamed.

Jaylene ran over Owen to get to Harvey. She laid Harvey down on the bed and yelled at Owen and Oliver.

"Get me a rag, bowl of water, scissors, and something for her to bite on." Jaylene said.

She situwated herself in the postirion to catch the baby. Thankfully they didn't have to take anything off of Harvey because she slept, all out.

Oliver was running around the kitchen looking for the list if things she needed. He could hear Harvey yelling at the top of her lungs.

"Breathe, Harvey. Give me one big push. Your crowning." Jaylene said.


"Your almost there! I see the shoulders."

Owen was in the doorway, passed out on the floor. The guy had barely made it through Helth class. Barely.

"Alright I can almost tell what the sex is. One more big push sweet heart." Jaylene said.

"AAHHH!" Screamed Harvey.

Then Oliver heard a soft cry. Then Jaylene yelling at him to get the scissors. Two cuts later and the babe was being wrapped up in a towel. Jaylene smiled.

"It's a girl." Jaylene said softly.

Harvey sat up and looked at her sweet little girl. She almost cried. This baby was the first ine born into the apacolypse. This is all she'll ever know.

Jaylene was filling out a make shift birth certificate. Jaylene was the girl to make sure this kid had one.

"What's her name?" Jaylene asked.

"Penelope Jane Sweeney." Harvey said kissing her child.

"I'm going to call John and Ashlynn. I think it's important that they meet."

In ten minuets everyone was in their bedroom. Except Ethan, he said he did not feel good and didn't want to get the baby sick. No one really missed him anyway.

Ashlynn took her new sister into her arms. The baby was asleep and didn't give to much of a fuck who was holding her.

"Penelope, your so sweet." Ashlynn said.

Jaylene nodded, "And skrewed."

There goes the moment. Thanks Jaylene. Thanks.

Penelope cried for her mother. Everyone cleared the room leaving Harvey alone with her daughter.

March 3 was the birth of Penelope. And the birth of a chance to recreate what the world uses to be. Maybe this could just be a faze. Like a war. Possibly.

Harvey could only hope that they could start over new. That they could fix it. But life don't work like that. Does it?

She shrugged. Penelope still cried. Then Harvey got the message. Food time, moma! She pulled down the gown to feed her baby.

This feels weird. Harvey thought to herself. She looked down her sweet baby, who was done and sleepy.

"Oh, Penelope, I love you so much." She whispered.

Oliver knocked on the door, "Can I come in?"


"God, she's so beautiful." Oliver took his daughter into his hands.

"She is isn't she?" Harvey pulled her gown back up.

Jaylene came in shaking a camera, "Anyone up for pictures? Oliver that's perfect. Harvey you look great!"

Jaylene took a picture of them. She had one of the cameras that printed off the picture. Cool. Harvey thought.

"Wow! You look amazing! Ofcourse your skinny again!" Said Jaylene showing them their picture.

For just giving birth twenty seconds agi, she looked great. Alittle sweaty but hey, still good.

They framed the picture and Oliver set it next to a picture of Ashlynn when she was younger.

Their sweet family, getting bigger yet fit on a nightstand.

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