Chapter 3

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Jason POV

April 4 2020

We all unpacked our respective rooms like I told them and when I finished with my office I went to the living room and saw that the only that still needed to be done in there was to unpack and mount the TV. So we decided to just finish living room and then get the cars. We took a Uber to the garage and I stopped them outside to discuss a few things

Jason: So there's 6 cars I'll tell you which one's to take when cause we take three then uber back and take the other 3.

We walk in and I go up to my old buddy from highschool Kayle

Jason: Yoo Kayle what's up man

Kayle: Jay what's good bro

Jason: So you you have fun workin on my babies

Kayle: Yea man we're almost done you kinda rushed this I cancelled everything to get these done but we're not done with the i8 you said its a 20 min drive so yeah if you take three then wait like 10 minutes max we'll be done with it and you can take it.

Jason: Well cause they're in front we'll take the Huracan, the Laferrari and the F40

Kayle: Okay I'll get the keys

I walk over to Timmy and Softi 

Softi: So where are you cars?

Jason: Its these 5 here

Softi: What?!

Jason: What?

Timmy: Jay these are five of the most expensive cars I've seen in my life

Jason: Okay. Thanks?

Softi: Yeah thanks 

Jason: Well this isn't all there's still one in the back that's not done so we'll take these three cause they're just in front of the rest.

Kayle came and we took the cars to my house then took another Uber back when we got there I gave Timmy and Softi the Aventador and 812's keys 

Jason: You guys can go ahead before going to my house though go get some Pizzas enough for us and two of my other friends are coming to help finish the house

Timmy: Alright we'll see you at home

Jason: Oh and Timmy 

Timmy: Yea what's up

Jason: We can go get your stuff tomorrow

Timmy smiled at me and shook his head

Timmy: Of course man

I waited for a little bit just mindlessly scrolling on Instagram till Kayle called me and told me that they were done with my car. He gave me the key and I walked to it got in and drove home. When I got home no one was there yet so I went to the basement to start unpacking the things for my mancave.

About an hour later I heard my doorbell ring and go to open the door. I open it and saw Mark and Amy with a basket of muffins

Amy: Happy house warming

Jason: Uh thanks ,but you guys know your doing free labor and only getting pizza in return right?

Mark: Yeah but still we wanted to do something nice.

Jason: Thanks guys

I hugged Mark then I hugged Amy and kissed her cheek. I then walked into my kitchen for the first time since Softi unpacked everything in it with the appliances where I like them, it just looked amazing

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