"i don't want to force derek into loving me."

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The next two days Stiles avoids Jenifer like the plague, he skips her classes and he can't even bring himself to look her in the eyes. It wasn't just jealously that fueled his actions—although that emotion was undeniably present—it was a simmering rage, a desire to dismantle her for intruding on what he held dear.

Recognizing the need to protect Stiles from potential confrontations, the pack rallied around him, strategically covering for his absence from miss Blake's classes. They created a shield around him, ensuring that he could avoid the source of his heartache without arousing suspicion. But if miss Blake's smirk is anything to go by, then she definitely knows Stiles is one-hundred percent avoiding her. Like she knows her presence is making him miserable.

And when Erica persisted with her questioning, pressing for reasons why they couldn't just contact Derek, or at the very least why he doesn't, Stiles in a moment of vulnerability, shrugged off her inquiries. "I don't want to force Derek into loving me." he admitted with a hint of resignation. His choice to give Derek space, even at the expense of his own well-being, spoke volumes about his respect for Derek's freedom and choices.

Erica, frustrated by the situation, couldn't fathom why Stiles wasn't taking a more assertive approach. Stiles' method of ignoring his problems until they vanished didn't sit well with her, especially when it involved matters of his heart. The division between Stiles' self-sacrificing approach and Erica's protective instincts for her friend fueled her anger toward Derek, making her want to murder him herself.

But in the end, they all understood where he was coming from. So the pack, protective and fiercely loyal, stood by him, respecting his choices while silently yearning for a resolution that would bring peace to their fractured little family.


As Stiles and Lydia excited the building, the air tinged with lingering tension from the long day, Stiles felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket. Assuming it was a routine check in from his dad about their Sunday dinner plans, he reached for the device with casual anticipation. Little did he know, the message he was about to receive would shatter the fragile calm surrounding him.

His steps came to an abrupt halt, a sudden jolt coursing through him as he read the unexpected message. His heart raced like a hummingbird's wings, the words on the screen piercing through the surface of his composure. Stiles found himself immobilized, unable to tear his eyes away from the phone screen, caught in the grip of a moment that threatened to upend his entire world.

 Stiles found himself immobilized, unable to tear his eyes away from the phone screen, caught in the grip of a moment that threatened to upend his entire world

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Lydia mirrored Stiles' halt, only for total different reasons, because right in the university's parking lot is Derek... making out with Jennifer at the Camaro. She spins on her heels with wide green eyes to gauge Stiles' reaction... only his eyes are locked onto his phone. "stiles, what is it? what's wrong?"

However, she should've known to not snap him out of his daze, because he snaps his brown eyes up to hers, only to shift past her, seeing Derek and Jennifer's little make out session. Which only furthers Stiles' panic.

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