I smile at her and just look into her beautiful green eyes.

God these eyes.

I could literally look at them forever.

I can see how she starts to think about everything but i dont say something because she came closer at me and looks at my eyes one more time making sure i know whats gonna happen.

I cant stop smiling and close my eyes when she finally closed this gap between us.

We are kissing.Gentle and loving and it was the best kiss i had in my life.

My heart exploded and my stomach was full with butterflies.

I dont know how long that kiss lasted but it wasnt long enough.

We part ways and look at each others eyes immediately.We smile at each other and she kisses my forehead gently before she takes her hand of my cheek and lays it down on my thighs.

Neither of us wanted to speak in this moment but we both knew we need too.

I take her hand in mine and kiss it gently before placing it down on my thigh again and hold it

,,We..we should talk here if you want too.Because the house will be filled with my family and Dinner will be ready when we get there" she says and i nod slowly

,,Then we do it here" i say and we look at each other again.

I sigh and smile ,,That Kiss was beautiful..even more it was perfect" i say and she nods with a small smile.

,,But.." she says quietly knowing what is gonna come.We smile at each other slightly and i nod ,,But..i dont want to hurt you.This whole thing with Jordan is just a few weeks old" i say and she looks down at our hands and nods

,,I want to have time for myself.I dont want to rush things again like it was with Jordan and most importantly I don't want to hurt you. I'm afraid of not being able to show you enough how much I like you" i say and she still looks down

,,To do this, I first have to realize how much I like you" i tell her and i cant see any reaction from her

,,Please don't be angry with me if I tell you that it can't happen now. Nothing will change about our relationship, we are still friends, I just want to wait to put myself first" i say and she still looks down after a few seconds and i sigh

,,Cara..please look at me" i say and she looks up to me.I smile slightly when i see her face and lay my hand on her cheek and brush it gently.

,,Its okay..i understand" she says quietly and i dont know if i should believe her.

I dont see much of emotions in her face ,she just looks at me with a small smile like she did before.

,,Are you sure ?" i ask her and she nods ,,I am.." she says and squezzes my thigh slightly ,,I promise"

We smile at each other and i nod ,,And nothing will change right ?Because i cant lose you.." i say and she nods ,,You know to much about me Leah..i cant let you go now" she says with a small chuckle and a grin.

There she is.

I laugh slightly and nod ,,I agree with you" i say and take my hand of her cheek and kiss it.

She smiles and looks at her watch ,,We should drive to the house..Dinner will soon be ready" she says and stands up.She helds her hand out and helps me up before she takes our bags and we walk back to the car.

Everything felt like before.

Cara POV:

I just had the best kiss of my life with the girl i adore but i knew right away that there will be a ,,but" when we talk about it.

Always You (Leah Williamson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now