The beginning

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"TINA QUUUIN TANYA get up now!!!! Before I take of my slippers ."my mom yelled .

I lazily opened my eyes and rolled my self out of bed (oops sorry I forget to introduce myself)

My name is Tina im 15 , platinum blonde hair,Hazel -brown eyes that crazy woman you heard was my step mom she's the best but right now she's the worst

I drag myself do my usual routine and stomp myself to the kitchen

"Look who decided to grace is with their presence "Mona (step mom) said to no one in particular

I rolled my eyes as I descended the stairs. "Finally breakfast (toast milk sausage) I'm farmished

"Eat up quick we don't want u to be late for school"

With the mention of high school particularly Hamaica high made me mentally roll my eyes not that I was one of those nerds or bullies victim
I'm just a normal teen girl who doesn't like school.  Don't we all

"Bye Mom" I said as I ran out the door but I didn't miss the flicker of love that crosses mom's eyes

                  Time jump ( school now)

"Hey gal  " Coco, aziza and Noel both say as if on beat with each other

Let me introduce these beautiful species of my life

Real name Cowella Swan
She's a black girl
Mom was Jamaican ,dad irish
She is super sweet just don't mess with her dog or food
Brown eyes, brown hair 
PS she is super loud. Don't tell her I said that✨

Full name aziza sallah
She has brown hair and light brown eyes  her parents are Arabian but she doesn't were here hijab she says
   "The world has to see this perfect hair why hide it plus it's super hot in California " her words not mine
She is a freak partier

Name noel Sheldon
Black hair ,deep blue eyes
And no he's not that gay best friend
He's cute and handsome but no player he got a crush though can't tell you who .....yet
We call him Aquaman since he's an amazing swimmer .he hates it

      Ok back to the story

"How's was summer in Miami bitch" Coco asks

"Hot" I reply

Of course it was hot with  Brian there she wink

I mentally puke"he's my cousin you idiot "

"Step cousin you mean "
I playfully shove a book on her face
"We better get to class before mr Dwayne goes nuts

We head to class giggling like lunatics

Hey winners hope you enjoyed it please comment on it
And any recommendations for the lead guy he's coming soon oops spoiler alert 💓

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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