Scott hands him a can.

Mark turns the flashlight on his phone on, searching throughout the kitchen and the rest of Scott's apartment.

"I'm sorry, baby, I don't see it."

Scott sighs, looking down at his hands. "That's okay. Thanks, Marky."

Mark goes and sits next to Scott on his couch. "Bugs really freak you out, huh?" He asks, leaning over to kiss his forehead.

"Mhm," Scott says, curling into himself. "I dunno why. They just really get to me."

"That's okay," Mark says. "You know what I absolutely can't stand? That totally freaks me out?"



"Really?" Scott sits back up.

"Yeah. I can't stand them. I almost drove through a tornado once and I was done for. Now I get jumpy at the sound of thunder."

"Aww, honey. I can help you feel—"

Just then, Mark abruptly sits up, and sprays the can of raid.

"Killed it!" He exclaims.

"The roach?" Scott gasps.

Mark stands up, grabs a paper towel, and disposes of the bug. "Mhm."

"Baby!! Thank you," Scott says, standing up quickly to hug Mark. "I love you. Thank you."

Mark chuckles. "You're welcome, honey."

"No, I mean it. You came all the way over here to kill a silly little bug," Scott says. "Just because it freaked me out."

"Well, I couldn't have you here all freaked out," Mark shrugs. "I love you."

"Marky," Scott warns. "There's a spider and I tried to kill it but then I saw all of the legs, and it just really freaked me out, and—"

Mark calmly makes his way over to Scott. "Where is it?"

Scott takes in a deep breath. "In the bathroom."

Mark kisses Scott's forehead before going to investigate.

About a minute later, "Got it!"

Mark walks back out into the living room.

"You killed it?"

"Mhm," Mark hums, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you," Scott hugs him.

Mark chuckles, "You're welcome, my love."

"Uncle Scott! There's a bug!"

Scott gasps at Beckham's declaration. "Where?"

Beckham points, and sure enough, there's a centipede.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!!" Scott says under his breath. "Marky?" He yells.

"Kill it, Uncle Scott!" Landon says.

"Hey, what's up?" Mark asks. "I was finishing up their lunches," he tells Scott.

"T-there's a..." Scott points.

Mark looks where Scott is pointing. "Oh. Ew." He says, but he approaches it with a paper towel, killing it and disposing of it quickly.

"Uncle Scott, how come you didn't kill it?" Beckham asks.

Scott smiles at Mark. "I'm scared of bugs. So Uncle Mark kills them for me when I freak out."

Mark kisses Scott's temple. "That's just something you do when you love someone," he explains to the boys.

"Daddy!" Grace yells.

"Gracie, what is it?" Scott walks into his 4-year-old daughter's room. "Can I help?"

"There's a bug," Grace says.

"No, okay, you're right. This is territory for daddy. Marky? Sweetheart?" He calls.

Mark walks in. "What are you two going on about?" Then he sees the bug and sighs. "Ah. Give me two seconds."

"Papa? How come daddy always kills the bugs?" Grace asks.

Scott smiles. "Because when Daddy and I started dating, he said he'd always kill them for me."

"Do you ever kill them?" Grace asks.

"No way," Scott says, and Grace giggles. Just then, Mark is walking in with some Raid, spraying it, and disposing of the bug a moment later.

"Alright, you two. What's for lunch?" Mark asks.

"Daddy?" Grace asks.

"Yeah, pumpkin?" Mark kneels down to her level.

"Why do you always kill the bugs for Papa?"

Mark looks up at Scott, who's standing beside him. "Because I love Papa very very much," he says.

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