Chapter 31

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As I slowly walked towards the large crowd surrounding Kayden, my mind began to wonder if every warrior was a beast or something different altogether.

I halted in my steps as a whistle pierced through the air behind where I now stood.

Turning around I found Jackson standing there taking in my new appearance as I took in his.

He wore a ripped tradesman cloak as he held  on to a bottle of what I assume was some kind of stout alcohol.

"I wish I had called dibs on you the second I first saw your beautiful blue eyes and nicely shaped butt." He started stumbling towards me.

Laughing I leaned into his warm embrace as I heard Kayden yell to quiet the growing crowd.

Turning away from Jackson's embrace I focused on Kayden, who stood on a large rock over the crowd of warriors.

"We all know the parts we must play to achieve the final part of our journey with our lives still intact."

Kayden shouted as the crowd roared in response.

"Let's be off!" I heard him shout as the crowd dismantled into their assigned groups.

"Here put this on." Kayden said as he threw a large black cloak at me.

"How far is the city outside of the checkpoint?" Paige asked as Aunt Rose followed swiftly behind Kayden and I.

"A couple of miles we will reach a clearing outside of Bayport." Kayden whispered as we slowly stepped over the fallen branches in the dense forest.

In the darkness of night we slipped quietly into the village of Bayport without anyone raising the alarm.

Grasping my arm Kayden lightly pulled me toward a large trade post.

"Darling I believe I would like the ruby necklace." I said pointing towards the necklace in the tradesman's hand.

Even though the dark cloak did not allow any light to land on his stone cold features.

I felt the warm smile that I knew was spreading across his face as I watched Jackson out the corner of my eye begin to stumble down the street near the checkpoint.

Throwing the man some gold shilling, Kayden reached over and plucked the ruby necklace out of the man's hand.

"It is late and our guests are probably tired, let's head home darling."

Kayden said being over towards my ear as a shiver of pleasure I didn't want went down my spine.

Making sure no one was following us we disappeared behind a shadow filled trade post near the tunnel opening.

I watched as Kaydens eyes shifted into a piercing blue ocean, as I felt goosebumps ruptured down my spine.

"Once Jackson starts to distract the guards, I will motion for you and the others to go through the tunnel." He whispered in a deep husky tone.

"I am not going anywhere until all of the men and women go through the tunnel." I spat quietly as Kayden moved some of the cloak away from his face.

"You are acting like a child! You shall do as I command." He spat as I felt his alpha aura  surrounding me.

"I am a child of God and if things go south I will be a great asset. You know it and so does everyone else."

I spat as I leaned into his harsh features. 

"Hey!" I heard a guard near the tunnel yell as Jackson fell into them.

As the distraction began I watched as the other guards walked over towards the seemingly drunk tradesman on the road.

"Now." I heard Kadyen whisper as two men swiftly moved a large fence to hide the large amount of people slipping into the tunnels.

As the different groups disappeared into the tunnel I turned and watched Jackson put on the perfect act of an overly drunk man.

After a long moment I watched as some of the guards began to turn towards the tunnel.

"Tore go save his dumb ass before he gets arrested for talking too much." I heard Kayden demanded.

I watched as Tore stuffed her worn dress as if she were a few days until a new baby was brought into the world.

"Herold!" I heard Tore yell holding onto her newly pregnant belly.

As the guards turned their attention onto the women approaching them I noticed one reach for his sword strapped to his hip.

"Oh Hellen, I was on the way home. I promise." I heard Jackson yell towards Tore, wobbling towards him.

"I don't care! We already have three littles at home, waiting for their drunken father to return." Tore said as she slapped Jackson across the face.

"I believe she is taking her role very seriously." I stated as she reared back to slap him again.

"Why don't you get your husband home before we have to take him to a cold cell for the night."

A guard announced as the last of the group entered the tunnel.

"Lets go." Kayden announced as he gave the signal to Jackson as we disappeared into the dark tunnel.

To my human eyes all I could see and feel was darkness as it swallowed us hole in the darkness of the tunnel.

"Here." I heard Kaydens gentle whisper as he lifted my hand. His fingers gently caressed my shivering hand as he began to lead me through the darkness.

Feeling as if my feet were going to fall off due to the freezing cold water gathered at the bottom of the tunnel.

Relife began to spread deep in my chest as the smell of a sea breeze brushed my cold reddened cheeks.

Upon opening a small wooden door I found we were in the midst of a crowded street near the bay.

Pushing through the growing crowd of people, I saw one last small row boat waiting for us at the end of one of the large docks.

I had yet to relize Kaydens hand on my back pushing me faster through the crowd until he stoped at the sound of a girl screaming his name. 

Turing I found Lillian with a large grin on her face as Kayden left and began to pull her towards the boat.

"Their!" I heard a familiar voice command as my stomach flipped at the sound of Duke Franklin.

"You must keep going!" I heard Kaydens distant shout as I felt myself being pulled towards the boat.

A fog had settled over the bay as Kayden began to row us further away from the man that killed my father.

"You know what the treaty states! She belongs to the King!" I heard the Duke's voice cry out as we disappeared into the misty fog.

"Belong?" I questioned under my breath.

I don't belong to anyone! The thought of anyone even Kadyen assuming I belonged to him was insane.

As my mind tried to grasp the words the Duke had spoken, I glanced over to find Lillian's hand resting on Kaydnes leg.

Felling the small boat slams into something I turned to find a rope ladder being toasted over for us.

"Oh sunshine, jealousy doesn't look good on your beautiful features."

I heard Henry whisper in my ear as I nudged him with my shoulder. 

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