Chapter 13

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My heart dropped in my chest as the man walked over to where we all sat and bent down to pick up the book that belonged to Lisa off the floor inches away from my feet.

"The sergeant wants us." The other man said as the man in front of me threw the book down and stood.

We listened in silence as the man outside gave orders for two guards to be placed outside the doors to see if I would return.

I watched as Ralph leaned up towards the window moments later and nodded his head to Leo.

"Come, we don't have much time." Ralph said as he helped Paige to her feet.

As we quickly made our way through the now empty house I glazed over my shoulder to see George one more time before we left.

The scene outside made my stomach feel as if it wanted to expel everything I had eaten earlier.

However Leo tugged at my arm as we made it to the back door without anyone spotting us.

"Ralph." I heard someone shout at the man that had the door halfway open.

I watched as he walked out the door and glanced back towards Leo to wait on his command.

"Sorry Frank for spooking you, the sergeant told me to do one more check inside before taking your place at the back door." Ralph said as the older soldier nodded and took his leave.

After a few heart beats Ralph leaned his head inside and motioned for us to hurry out.

We used the shadows of the night to slip past the patrolling guards that seemed to be everywhere.

Once we made it near the town's edge Leo took the lead while holding my hand tightly in his as we began to trench through a large field.

The night seemed to almost  swallow us whole as I couldn't even see the stars above as we ran through the large corn field.

After what felt like hours had passed I began to see a glimpse of the large moon at the end of the field.

We began to slow our pace once we exited the field into a forest filled with large trees to hide within.

Or I began to slow my pace, I felt as if every limb I had on my body became as heavy as a large mule.

In the next instant my arms and legs went limp as I fell towards the cold damp ground.

However Leo was there to catch my fall. The warmth of his embrace sent a wave of safety that I had yet to feel in the past couple of days.

"She is drained from using her gift for too long." I heard my sister say as she came to my side.

"We must carry on. I shall hold her." Leo said as the mumbles of my sister's disagreement faded into nothingness as my eyes drifted shut.

Hours later I awoke to a damp coldness seeping into my skin as I turned over I saw Paige, Ralph and Henry laying down a few feet away from where I lay.

Leo was nowhere in sight as I leaned over and began to peer around me in search of him.

After a few moments went by without seeing him I decided he must be on watch duty while the others and I slept.

Slowly standing to my feet, I watched as I made sure I didn't step on any fallen dry leaves to wake the others from their deep slumber.

Once I was far enough away I sighed loudly as I let my back fall on a nearby boulder by a steady stream.

Glancing up at the stars I let myself melt into the cool feel of the large rock as I began to close my eyes and think of all that had happened.

"May I ask, why are you out here all alone?" Leo's husky voice whispered near my ear causing my fist to slam into his face as a gasp split my lips.

"Damn! You have a nast right hook." Leo said, gripping his cheek.

"Perhaps next time don't sneak up on me." I spat, gripping my chest as my heart thudded loudly in my ears. 

We stayed silent for a moment as he regained his footing and I reached my hand slowly towards his cheek and let my hand rest on his hand that covered where I had hit him moments before. 

Even through the darkness I could see a red mark begin to appear.

"I am sorry for punching you. However you did come up behind me." I apologized.

"Is that supposed to be you apologizing to me?" He questioned with a smirk crossing over his lips.

Removing my hand away from his face I pushed against his chest and began to walk away.

He followed me, his steps slow and deliberate. I quickened my pace, but he kept up with me.

The distance between us never widening. I glanced back and saw him smirking, his eyes full of amusement.

Stopping abruptly I turned around swiftly and glared at him.

However my anger fell away as his eyes heated with something I had never seen before.

I began to back away until my back slammed against a large tree as his smirk disappeared.

His gaze was intense and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I stood there, unable to move, as he held my gaze.

"The last time you pushed me back into something you kissed me without my permission." I said in a shaky voice.

"Now Prudence." He began letting my name roll around his tongue causing my body to ache for his lips to be on my body.

Before he had a chance to finish, my body reacted to his stare and I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his un-moving ones.

I leaned back against the tree with my heart and body throbbing but I would stop if he didn't want me in that way.

However I knew deep down it would destroy my heart if he walked away. But before my mind could fully understand his rejection his lips were on mine.

I felt a warmth of sparks explode down my body into my core as he kissed me.

His hands began to explore my body as I moaned into his mouth and his hand gripped my hip and pushed me back against the tree.

My heart fluttered under his touch as my mind and body was overcome with desire and lust over the man holding me.

I kissed him back with the same amount of passion he was giving to me.

His lips left mine as they slowly and agonizingly left a trail of wet and desperate kisses down my neck.

As I felt his lips grow closer towards my swollen breasts I moaned his name in a desperate plea.

I let my fingers run up his neck and clung to his hair as his hand near my hip began to slowly move closer towards my center.

The lust filled moment was shattered when I heard Paige scream from where I had left her.

Leo pushed away from me gasping for air as I was. If my sister wasn't in some danger for her to scream and ruin this wonderful moment. I would wrap my legs around his waist....

My thoughts were shattered as I looked into the bright blue, glowing eyes that belonged to Leo.

Another scream pierced through the quiet night as I took off down the path I had walked earlier.

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