" Sidharth is definitely a right choice "

" He is but he isn't happy about this arrangements, he wanted to quit business and stay with you and zahara and have a family "

" What?? "

I asked shocked after listening to my dad he  nods his head saying how sidharth wanted to quit his CEO post of his company handing it over to kushal and be the part of the business if it's just an emergency he wanted step into his family life forever after missing out on a lot of this. This just made me feel how hard this decision had to be for sidharth as business is everything to him .

" He really likes me doesn't he?? "

" He does love you a lot but he still dumb, you need to give him a chance but at the same time make him realize he can't take you for granted like he did before "

Said my dad making me laugh, we turn around listening to the sound of something breaking. Zahara sat in the middle of a broken pot covered with mud and dirt, she rubbed her hand over the mud playing with it, she pulled the plant out separating the root from it and tore the leaves out giggling.

" This reminds me of you, you had done something like this. You had spilled a bowl of curd over yourself rubbing it on the wall and licked it off from your hands "

" Chee papa "

" What I'm serious "

He says laughing I immediately made my way towards zahara finding her eating the leaves from the plant I make her spit the leaves off her mouth , I carry her moving towards the bathroom, I find sidharth on my way who ends up bringing chocolates for zahara and cake for me. He stops in his track watching me carrying a dirty zahara.

" What the hell happened?? "

He asked taking her from me, I immediately filled the bathtub with water to give her a bath, after giving zahara a bath I let her stay at shukla mansion for the night as I and sidharth are going on a date.

" I want the black one "

I say picking up the black bowling ball, sidharth rolled his eyes looking at my childish behavior. We were at a bowling alley dresses in a fancy clothes as a date.

" Shehnaaz it's not about the color, it's the way you throw the ball so let me do the honour "

Saying so he goes first throwing the ball and getting a strike, he smirked at the victory fist pumping while I just roll my eyes taking a lead getting almost all the pins down except one to which he gave me a mocking smile. I turn towards the other side seeing a teenage couple playing , the girl laughed at me making me roll my eyes at her.

" Why the hell is she laughing at me?? Is something on my face ?? "

I said staring at the girl and than at sidharth who shook his head , I bring my hair up into a ponytail continuing the game, as we played we could here the teenage couple making fun of us which pissed me off sidharth asked me to ignore and behave civilized.

" I guess you have forgotten that civilized word doesn't associate with me when I need to show people there place "

" Baby don't get angry they are just kids?? "

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