Chapter 2: Lost and Found

Start from the beginning

He looked everywhere, you know, like the usual spots – the couch, his pockets, and even the kitchen. But guess what? No luck. It was like a game of hide and seek with his pick. So, he started going back where he'd been, trying to remember stuff. And that's when it hit him– the last time he used the pick was during a guitar session on the rooftop. Maybe, just maybe, it was still up there.

Realizing this, he rushed to the rooftop. Going up the stairs, he felt a bunch of different feelings, like being excited and wanting to know more. The sun was going down, making everything look warm and pretty.

As he got to the rooftop, he saw a girl, and it was a big surprise! She was standing there, really into her canvas. An easel held the canvas in place, and there were lots of colorful paints and brushes all around. Ethan didn't expect to see this, and it kind of made him stop and look.

He cleared his throat to make his presence known, and when she turned around, a bright smile lit up both of their faces. It was none other than Olivia, a familiar friend from their rooftop sessions. They exchanged warm greetings, and Ethan, forgetting why he had come up there in the first place, made his way towards her.

"Olivia?" Ethan exclaimed, a smile spreading across his face.

Olivia's eyes widened in surprise, and then a radiant smile mirrored Ethan's. "Ethan! I didn't expect to see you here."

Ethan chuckled, "I could say the same! What are you doing up here?"

Olivia returned the smile, "Just working on a new painting" she said pointing at the canvas she was working on

Olivia returned the smile, "Just working on a new painting" she said pointing at the canvas she was working on

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(Painting Olivia was working on)

Ethan nodded, "That sounds nice. Mind if I join you?"

"Of course not! The more people, the more fun!" she said, making room for him to sit next to her. It's like when we have more friends on a regular day, it becomes even better!

As Olivia and Ethan sat down, Olivia kept on painting on her canvas. The paintbrush moved in her hand like a dance. Ethan looked and liked the way she made the canvas alive with every stroke. It was like a regular day, but special because of the art happening. He felt happy just watching her create.

"So, what made you come up here today?" she asked wondering, her eyes filled with curiosity

Ethan laughed, "I can't find my guitar pick. I thought maybe I left it here when we played music together last time." He looked around, hoping to spot the missing pick.

Olivia looked curious, like she was up for some fun. "Missing pick? Let's find it! It's might be really hard considering it small size."

As they started searching, the rooftop became a canvas of possibilities. Paintbrushes were moved aside, and canvases shifted, revealing glimpses of unfinished artworks and creative endeavors. The sun, on the verge of setting, cast a warm glow over the scene, creating a serene atmosphere.

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